MOScout Daily Update: Wasson in CD-7 - Imagining Speaker Plocher - Sept Revenues Hot - Cities Eye Use Tax and more....

Wasson Announces

Former state senator Jay Wasson is making it official: he’s a candidate in CD-7, running to succeed Billy Long.  Wasson joins Sen. Eric Burlison and Mike Moon, as well as Dr. Sam Alexander as declared candidates in the Republican primary.

See the announcement video here.  In it, Wasson says the country has been “hijacked by folks that frankly must have lost their mind” as the screen shows shots of familiar liberals (Bernie, AOC, Pelosi).

The rumor has been that Wasson will seed his campaign with a substantial amount, perhaps $500K.  We’ll see if that happened.  But he certainly has business ties in southwest Missouri that will help him put the money together necessary for a congressional run


Looking Farther Ahead

Yesterday I wrote a blurb about the pessimism folks have now when considering the upcoming legislative.  It’s tempting, in fact, to write-off 2022 and start thinking about the 2023 session.  At that point, Majority Floor Leader Dean Plocher will become speaker of the House and his ascension will bring some changes…

·         First, a reset with Governor Mike Parson.  Speaker Rob Vescovo has had a frosty relationship with the second floor, beyond the much-ballyhooed shouting episode over the State of the State speech.  Plocher has largely stayed outside of that conflict.

·         Second, Plocher presents a more pragmatic face for House Republicans.  He’s a product of his St. Louis County district, and isn’t easily duped into crusades against straw men. His constituents were never exorcized about the dangers of Sharia law for example.  Instead, he’s someone who thinks it’s a virtue to give everyone a fair listen, and he doesn’t think compromise is a dirty word.

·         Finally, the House that Plocher inherits will be different.  There’s a sense that redistricting will net Dems between 2-5 seats.  And that may actually be helpful for Plocher.  Truth is the House Republican’s majority has become unwieldy.  As they’ve expanded their Missouri majority, the big tent of Republicanism is outstretching its fabric.  There are pro-labor Republicans, splinters over school choice, libertarians, Trump-Firsters.  And of course, all this leads to a lot RINO finger-pointing.


September Tax Receipts

With just a few days left in the month, September state revenues are running 15%+ over September 2020.  The daily numbers are volatile so we’ll see where the final  number send up.  However, it certainly is hard to find any reason to worry about a state budget crunch anywhere on the horizon right now.

·         Jim Moody (subscription service here) has a “gut feeling that there has been a big jump in quarterly estimated payments in September 2021” driving the numbers higher.


More on Carpenter Fall-Out

One MOScouter sees ripple effects of the dissolution of the St. Louis Carpenters machine hitting pro-labor Republicans…

I definitely think that the shakeup with the Carpenters could have a major impact in State Senate races next year.  They were very active in several races in 2020, and if they pull back in 2022 some candidates who were counting on their support may be at a disadvantage.  For an example, I would say that Rep. Becky Ruth – who was likely to be supported by the Carpenters – could be at a disadvantage in her race, especially if Speaker Rob Vescovo pivots and runs for State Senate instead of seeking statewide office.


Fundy Bits

Today is the last day of the quarter…

·         Yesterday I linked to Governor Mike Parson praising Scott Fitzpatrick.  It was a video from his fundraiser.  Also present at that Fitz’ fundy: GOP elder statesmen Kit Bond and Peter Kinder.

·         And Lieutenant Governor Mike Kehoe recently had a big fundraiser in Jefferson City.  “Over 100 people from Mid-Mo. Jeff City locals and not your capitol regulars. Raised somewhere north of 150K.”


More Cities Eye Use Tax

Daily American Republic reports that “Butler County residents will see a use tax measure on the November ballot once again, something county commissioners said is vital to continued operations.”

·         The proposed use tax would equal 1-1/4% on out-of-state internet purchases…  The tax measure has been on the county ballot twice before.

·         “We’re leveling the playing field. That’s what we’re trying to do,” said Eastern District Commissioner Butch Anderson. As of now, no sales tax is collected on out-of-state internet purchases, something the commissioners said has dramatically cut revenue in recent years. The rate is set at the same sales tax paid in brick and mortar local businesses.

·         Approximately 131 cities in Missouri and 60 counties have passed a use tax, the commissioners reported.


On the other side of the state, For Our Town campaign committee to pass a use tax in Kearney MO.  It will also be on the November ballot.

Shall the City of Kearney impose a local use tax at the same rate as the total local sales tax rate, provided that if the local sales tax rate is reduced or raised by voter approval, the local use tax rate shall also be reduced or raised by the same action?     



This morning’s report had “nothing will get done” ironically followed by the announcement of Mathewson passing. Those two segments represent opposite perspectives. Mathewson sought middle ground, whereas today too many seek disagreement to highlight themselves.


Lobbyists Registrations

Aaron Shaw deleted Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

Richard McIntosh, Franc Flotron, Bill Stouffer, David McCracken, Janet Hirschman, John CE Gaskin, and Jerry Hobbs deleted David Steward.

Richard McIntosh, Franc Flotron, and David McCracken deleted Lincoln University.

Richard McIntosh, Franc Flotron, and Janet Hirschman deleted World Wide Technology.


$5K+ Contributions

BNSF Railway Company RAILPAC Missouri - Federal Committee - $10,000 from BNSF Railway Company RAILPAC.

American Dream PAC (pro-Kehoe) - $10,000 from Thompson Sales Company.

Professional Fire Fighters of Eastern Missouri 2665 PAC Fund - $11,200 from Professional Firefighters of Eastern Missouri.

Professional Fire Fighters of Eastern Missouri 2665 PAC Fund - $7,200 from Professional Fighters of Eastern MO.

Saint Charles Organization of Republicans - $9,000 from Penn National Gaming.



Happy birthdays to Dave Muntzel, and Chris Benjamin.


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