MOScout Sunday6: E-Cars - Fertilizer Prices - Broadband Gap - Hispanic Enrollment and more...

1. Electric cars, by state.  No surprise California leads the nation.

Source: USA Facts.

2. Fertilizer prices off record highs but still elevated.

3. Hispanic enrollment is growing at colleges.

Source: Pew Research.

4. Rural and suburban home prices outpaced urban home prices during pandemic.

Source: Redfin.

5. Broadband gap across rural Missouri.  I look at this map, and I think about the opportunity cost of the special session tax cut.   Should we have tried instead to cut the red in the map in half?

6. But if you don’t trust government to do anything, tax cuts are always the most logical solution.  And Republicans generally think government is doing a poor job of everything.

Source: Gallup.

7. If you love charts and graphs, I recommend Scott Galloway’s Adrift.  Here’s pic I took of one of the charts while leafing through the book over the weekend.


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