MOScout Daily Update: AG Announcement Today - MOScouter: Why Hurry? - Personal Prop Taxes Spike? - Nelson to Green and more...

Driving the Day: AG Announcement

Knocking an item off the To Do list before the holiday, Governor Mike Parson will announce his appointment to replace Attorney General Eric Schmitt.  The press conference is scheduled for 9:30AM.

Politicos still expect Andrew Bailey, the governor’s general counsel, to be the pick.  We’ll see…

If Bailey gets the nod, it won’t surprise me to see an announcement (or two) from others before the end of the year, saying that they’re running in 2024.  The 2024 AG race could begin even before Bailey is sworn in.

Who could Parson pick to stave off a 2024 primary? 

·       Sen. Tony Luetkemeyer: Lueky brings a war-chest of over $1 million between his candidate committee and PACs.

·       Chris Limbaugh: A judge, but also cousin to the late Rush Limbaugh, that’s a pretty huge last name in Missouri Republican politics.

Otherwise, I’d say buckle-in for an exciting 2024 AG’s race.



Meanwhile, there’s been no guidance about a timeline for appointing a new state treasurer (to replace Auditor-elect Scott Fitzpatrick).  But one MOScouter says no need to worry…

Everyone, including the consulting class promoting various clients or allies, needs to take a breath. There is nothing magical about having “permanent” appointees by January.  Governors have named “acting” placeholders for statewide offices. 

The late gubernatorial Chief of Staff John Watson served as interim State Auditor by appointment of his boss, Governor Jay Nixon, after Tom Schweich’s death and prior to the “permanent” appointment of Nicole Galloway. In the mid-1990’s, Commissioner of Administration Dick Hanson, a trusted state government veteran, served by appointment as “acting” Secretary of State while Governor Mel Carnahan weighed replacements for Judi Moriarty, who was impeached. Carnahan gave the “permanent” appointment to Bekki Cook

Both of these interim appointees were deeply trusted by their respective governors and hadn’t ambitions to run for office themselves. Both eventual “permanent” appointees, Cook and Galloway, went on to win elections to full terms. 

In the historical cases of Watson and Hanson, there was an immediate need for trusted, noncontroversial and competent administrators to keep the lights on and reassure shaken staffs. It’s true that everyone not hiding in a cave has known for many months the strong likelihood of vacancies for attorney general and state treasurer, given GOP dominance in Missouri. But Governor Mike Parson has lots of possible choices, and he could elevate trusted people to serve on an interim basis, which is what he’s done with Cabinet-level department directors. It’s a puzzler that deals weren’t already made long ago. But any frantic sense of urgency is coming from would-be appointees, campaign consultants and lobbyists breathing the same Capitol air, eager, even anxious, to nail down deals and contracts ahead of the 2023 session and 2024 elections. 


Personal Property Tax Hit

The State Tax Commission has produced a quick “explainer” about how personal property taxes are calculated, perhaps foreseeing some narrowed eyed from shocked citizens when they get their tax bill this year.

St. Louis City posted it here.

Due to supply chain problems, chip shortages, and record-high inflation, fewer motor vehicles have been available in the market while overall demand for vehicles has remained high. Consequently, the values of motor vehicles have been driven upward. Analysts predict inventory of motor vehicles may not return to pre-pandemic levels until late 2023. Analysts also predict the chip shortage, which has had a dramatic effect on vehicle prices, might not be alleviated until 2024.

In Missouri, county assessors determine the value of property that is taxed locally. County assessors are required to value property at fair market value. To determine fair market value for

motor vehicles, state law provides a methodology requiring county assessors to use the trade-in

value published in the October issue of the National Automobile Dealers’ Association (NADA)

Official Used Car Guide, or its successor publication, as the recommended guide of information

for determining the value of motor vehicles described in the guide. The assessor is not allowed to

use a value greater than the average trade-in value without performing a physical inspection of

the motor vehicle….

Because supply-chain problems, the chip shortage and record-high inflation have driven the values of motor vehicles upward, the NADA guide used to assess vehicles this year reflects those increased values.

What It Means

Sen. Bill Eigel has focused attention on the issue of personal property taxes in previous session, proposing to phase it out over time.  He’s run into fierce resistance from local government officials who depend on that revenue stream.  But higher tax bills could fire up his resolve to attack the issue again.  Watch for pre-filings in a week…


Nelson to Green

Megan Green, the new President of the Board of Aldermen of the City of St. Louis, announced Jay Nelson will be her new chief of staff.  Nelson previously staffed Jamilah Nasheed when she was in the state senate.

From the announcement: Jay Nelson most recently served as the Boards and Commissions Liaison and Custodian of Records for St. Louis County Executive Dr. Sam Page… During Jay’s time in the County Executive’s Office, he successively oversaw the appointments and approvals of 300 appointees with 48% women participation and 44% minority participation… Jay's starting salary will be $100,000.


Mark You Calendars

For those planning their next Session. the legislative Spring Break will be the week of March 13.


Lobbyists Registrations

Tim Lee Morgan added Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen.


$5K+ Contributions

American Dream PAC (pro-Kehoe) - $50,000 from Tegethoff Development, LLC.

Old Drum Conservative PAC (pro-Denny Hoskins) - $7,500 from Paladin PAC.

MIC PAC - $7,000 from ACE American Insurance Co.



Happy birthdays to Brian Bunten and Sam Wiles.

Thanksgiving: Sen. Bill Eigel, Ryan Nonnemaker, and Dennis Wood.

Friday: Joe Lakin, Willis Jones, and Bill Deeken.

Saturday: JaCinda Martin-Sutherland and Jane Dueker.

Sunday: Ward Cook.


MOScout Schedule

Happy thanksgiving.  See y’all Monday.


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