The New Sinquefield Way: Team Player Getting “Base Hits”
Gone is the parade of big checks, the spawning of various new organizations, and the bombast behind renting a blimp.
There’s a new, quieter Sinquefield team working in Jefferson City. It is “a more measured, collaborative way.” Not once this session was Rex Sinquefield out in front of an issue, or becoming the issue – as he has in the past.
One observer: Under Mary Ellen Ponder’s leadership, they have had two successful legislative sessions in a row. They have continued to get base hits through supporting roles on multiple issues, are building relationships on both sides of the aisle, while avoiding making enemies gratuitously.
Among the legislative successes they claim as part of coalitions, partnerships or collaboration:
· Passage of prison nursery legislation with funding in the budget, which was a top priority for Katie Sinquefield.
· Charter public school funding equity.
· A compromise on virtual education.
· Partnering with the business community on the Research and Development Tax Credit.
· Protecting 509 tax cut triggers on Cody Cash.
· 40% transportation threshold for ESA’s.
Lobbying leads for Sinquefield (aka Missouri Future LLC) in Jefferson City are Nexus Group’s Kate Casas and Gamble & Schlemeier’s David Jackson.
Walsh Drops
Rep. Sara Walsh announced that she was withdrawing from the CD-4 Republican primary.
In some respects, it feels like a lifetime ago when my husband Steve and I decided to declare my candidacy for Congress in July of 2021. By the end of July, my husband and I caught COVID and my husband succumbed to complications from COVID pneumonia August 19, 2021. After a time of grief and prayer, I continued onward, partly in memory of my husband and partly to continue the race set before me - to continue fighting for God and Country like we did our entire marriage…
Last week, the General Assembly passed a new congressional map that moved me and all of my current constituents into the 3rd Congressional District. Still, I voted for the map because I believe it was good for conservatives and good for Missouri. However, the newly drawn district that removes my strongest base of support has a severe impact on the chances of success for my campaign…
In good conscience, I cannot continue to ask for sacrificial contributions for my campaign…
What It Means
Walsh’s exit is a mild positive for the other Boone County candidate, Taylor Burks. But the geography still is difficult. Boone County only makes up about 5% of the Republican primary vote. That compares to the 25% of the vote coming from the counties represented by Sen. Rick Brattin. Or looking at Mark Alford’s name ID footprint from his days on TV, nearly half the district is in the KC media market. Those candidates would be considered the favorites given their bigger bases.
Map Impact
The Missouri Mapper has a very informative thread on Twitter looking at 2018 GOP voter turnout in the new congressional districts and media market shares. See it here.
CD-2: If current population growth patterns and political shifts continue, the non-STL County part of the district will likely grow in influence as the decade goes on. If Rep. Wagner retires this decade, I don't think it is a sure thing that someone from STL County succeeds her
CD-3: St. Charles County makes up 34.9% of the primary vote. It’s the largest county. But Mid-MO is still larger. Cole County, plus all its surrounding adjacent counties, contain 39.1% of the primary vote.
CD-7: Greene County is the biggest part of the district (33.8% of the vote), but it’s interesting to see all of Sen. Mike Moon’s district is within CD-7, over a quarter of the district’s vote. And though he doesn’t raise huge sums, he is something of a natural at winning free media.
MO Dems Tap Into “Red State Fund”
Press release: The MDP has been in talks with the Democratic National Committee regarding assistance with establishing and maintaining 10 regional offices for nearly a year. This week, the MDP received a total of $50,000 through the DNC Red State Fund to go toward paying staff at the following Phase One offices:
-Jackson County
-Clay County
-Greene County
-St. Charles County
-Southwest Missouri Democrats
-St. Louis County
New Area Code Coming… The 235
In a press release last week, the Missouri Public Service Commission said that Missouri will be getting a new area code… 235. See it here.
· Increasing demand for residential and business telephone numbers created the need to add a new area code to the existing 573 area code region. Telephone customers in the existing 573 area code who request new service or an additional telephone line may be assigned a telephone number with the new area code when it becomes available.
· On April 21, 2022, the Missouri Public Service Commission issued an order directing NANPA to proceed with an overlay plan. An overlay plan introduces a new area code within the current area code, so that multiple area codes are assigned to the same geographic area. An overlay plan does not require any customers to change telephone numbers, but it does require ten-digit dialing on all local calls.
Lux Project in Flux
Kansas City Business Journal reports that a “$55 million mixed-income apartment project at the Berkley Riverfront now appears in flux after the Port Authority of Kansas City did not advance a contested incentive. Port KC Commissioner Henok Tekeste initially seconded a motion to approve a 25-year property tax exemption for the 251-unit complex, joining Commissioner Claire Terrebonne in backing the measure. But as commissioners began to vote, Tekeste withdrew his procedural consent after pushback from members of activist group KC Tenants. No other commissioners backed the motion in his stead, leading it to fail… Elsewhere in Kansas City, Lux Living has won city approvals to build multifamily projects at the former Katz Drug Store site and in place of a former Faultless Healthcare Linen building. It also could be transferred incentives to complete apartments in the Freight House Village development.”
· Lux Living’s registered lobbyist in Jefferson City Roxsen Koch.
$5K+ Contributions
House Republican Campaign Committee, Inc - $15,000 from AGC of MO PAC.
Hruza for Missouri - $5,200 from George Hruza.
Citizens For Lowman - $5,678 from James Lowman.
Missouri American Water Company Employees Political Action Committee - $10,000 from JH Berra Construction.
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MOScout Daily Update: The New Sinquefield Way - Walsh Drops - Map Impact - MO Dems Get "Red State" $$$ and more...
The New Sinquefield Way: Team Player Getting “Base Hits”
Gone is the parade of big checks, the spawning of various new organizations, and the bombast behind renting a blimp.
There’s a new, quieter Sinquefield team working in Jefferson City. It is “a more measured, collaborative way.” Not once this session was Rex Sinquefield out in front of an issue, or becoming the issue – as he has in the past.
One observer: Under Mary Ellen Ponder’s leadership, they have had two successful legislative sessions in a row. They have continued to get base hits through supporting roles on multiple issues, are building relationships on both sides of the aisle, while avoiding making enemies gratuitously.
Among the legislative successes they claim as part of coalitions, partnerships or collaboration:
· Passage of prison nursery legislation with funding in the budget, which was a top priority for Katie Sinquefield.
· Charter public school funding equity.
· A compromise on virtual education.
· Partnering with the business community on the Research and Development Tax Credit.
· Protecting 509 tax cut triggers on Cody Cash.
· 40% transportation threshold for ESA’s.
Lobbying leads for Sinquefield (aka Missouri Future LLC) in Jefferson City are Nexus Group’s Kate Casas and Gamble & Schlemeier’s David Jackson.
Walsh Drops
Rep. Sara Walsh announced that she was withdrawing from the CD-4 Republican primary.
In some respects, it feels like a lifetime ago when my husband Steve and I decided to declare my candidacy for Congress in July of 2021. By the end of July, my husband and I caught COVID and my husband succumbed to complications from COVID pneumonia August 19, 2021. After a time of grief and prayer, I continued onward, partly in memory of my husband and partly to continue the race set before me - to continue fighting for God and Country like we did our entire marriage…
Last week, the General Assembly passed a new congressional map that moved me and all of my current constituents into the 3rd Congressional District. Still, I voted for the map because I believe it was good for conservatives and good for Missouri. However, the newly drawn district that removes my strongest base of support has a severe impact on the chances of success for my campaign…
In good conscience, I cannot continue to ask for sacrificial contributions for my campaign…
What It Means
Walsh’s exit is a mild positive for the other Boone County candidate, Taylor Burks. But the geography still is difficult. Boone County only makes up about 5% of the Republican primary vote. That compares to the 25% of the vote coming from the counties represented by Sen. Rick Brattin. Or looking at Mark Alford’s name ID footprint from his days on TV, nearly half the district is in the KC media market. Those candidates would be considered the favorites given their bigger bases.
Map Impact
The Missouri Mapper has a very informative thread on Twitter looking at 2018 GOP voter turnout in the new congressional districts and media market shares. See it here.
CD-2: If current population growth patterns and political shifts continue, the non-STL County part of the district will likely grow in influence as the decade goes on. If Rep. Wagner retires this decade, I don't think it is a sure thing that someone from STL County succeeds her
CD-3: St. Charles County makes up 34.9% of the primary vote. It’s the largest county. But Mid-MO is still larger. Cole County, plus all its surrounding adjacent counties, contain 39.1% of the primary vote.
CD-7: Greene County is the biggest part of the district (33.8% of the vote), but it’s interesting to see all of Sen. Mike Moon’s district is within CD-7, over a quarter of the district’s vote. And though he doesn’t raise huge sums, he is something of a natural at winning free media.
MO Dems Tap Into “Red State Fund”
Press release: The MDP has been in talks with the Democratic National Committee regarding assistance with establishing and maintaining 10 regional offices for nearly a year. This week, the MDP received a total of $50,000 through the DNC Red State Fund to go toward paying staff at the following Phase One offices:
-Jackson County
-Clay County
-Greene County
-St. Charles County
-Southwest Missouri Democrats
-St. Louis County
New Area Code Coming… The 235
In a press release last week, the Missouri Public Service Commission said that Missouri will be getting a new area code… 235. See it here.
· Increasing demand for residential and business telephone numbers created the need to add a new area code to the existing 573 area code region. Telephone customers in the existing 573 area code who request new service or an additional telephone line may be assigned a telephone number with the new area code when it becomes available.
· On April 21, 2022, the Missouri Public Service Commission issued an order directing NANPA to proceed with an overlay plan. An overlay plan introduces a new area code within the current area code, so that multiple area codes are assigned to the same geographic area. An overlay plan does not require any customers to change telephone numbers, but it does require ten-digit dialing on all local calls.
Lux Project in Flux
Kansas City Business Journal reports that a “$55 million mixed-income apartment project at the Berkley Riverfront now appears in flux after the Port Authority of Kansas City did not advance a contested incentive. Port KC Commissioner Henok Tekeste initially seconded a motion to approve a 25-year property tax exemption for the 251-unit complex, joining Commissioner Claire Terrebonne in backing the measure. But as commissioners began to vote, Tekeste withdrew his procedural consent after pushback from members of activist group KC Tenants. No other commissioners backed the motion in his stead, leading it to fail… Elsewhere in Kansas City, Lux Living has won city approvals to build multifamily projects at the former Katz Drug Store site and in place of a former Faultless Healthcare Linen building. It also could be transferred incentives to complete apartments in the Freight House Village development.”
· Lux Living’s registered lobbyist in Jefferson City Roxsen Koch.
$5K+ Contributions
House Republican Campaign Committee, Inc - $15,000 from AGC of MO PAC.
Hruza for Missouri - $5,200 from George Hruza.
Citizens For Lowman - $5,678 from James Lowman.
Missouri American Water Company Employees Political Action Committee - $10,000 from JH Berra Construction.
Lobbyists Registrations
David Winton and Jessica Petrie added API Innovation Center.
Jim Moody deleted Thompson Foundation On Autism.
Happy birthday to Doug Funderburk.
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