MOScout Daily Update: Rehder on Conservative Caucus - RCV Gets Fresh Look - 100 PAC Eyes 2024 - Parson Tax Cut and more...

Parson Tax Cut

Governor Mike Parson is revving up the push for his tax cut.  Veto Session is less than a month away, and it’s assumed he’ll be calling a special to run concurrent with that.

·       MO Indy reports that Parson’s enlisted Rex Sinquefield to pitch Republicans.

·       Post-Dispatch reports that Parson has approached Dems for support.


·       Sen. Bill Eigel tweets he’s a strong YES for the tax cut.

·       MOBudget frets about the impact coming in at $1B annually.


Driving the Day: Governor’s Ham Breakfast

It’s the Governor’s Ham Breakfast this morning at the State Fair.  Missouri Net’s Alisa Nelson sets the scene… listen here.


Rehder on Eigel’s Call for Unity

Sen. Holly Rehder gives her view of the recent “call for peace” in a blog post.  See it here. Now after all of the primaries are over, some they won, some they lost, they want to “seek unity” in the Republican caucus of the Senate. Now after they have lied to the people of Missouri, lied on their Senate colleagues, they want us to believe they are interested in “unity”.

·       If the Rehder’s post is any indication, Sen. Bill Eigel seems to have underestimated the amount of anger the attack on incumbent Republicans has generated among the “Regular” Republicans.


100 PAC

Word is that the 100 PAC will shift its focus toward 2024 statewide races. We’ll see…


eMailbag: Eigel, CC, Etc

·       Even in writing, Eigel is a blowhard.

·       Eigel is spot on! The lobbyist observations regarding the Conservative Caucus issue demonstrate more of a “good/bad for my business” view than a “what’s good for Missourians” view. The lobbyist view was widely repudiated last Tuesday!

·       The question about whether he was going to continue to attack other Republicans on social media was a yes or no question.

·       Trial lawyer money: So, the rift the MoScout has been covering blowing open again between Republicans in the Senate is on several true policy and political issues AND it is about money.  Trial lawyer money.  So far the implication that has never been addressed is that, checks notes, certain Senators have been bought off and by money that is not conservative.  Fact Check: True.  Fact Check 2: This is not only the conservative caucus and it is not only this money in play.


Trump Primaries Put Ranked Voting Back in Spotlight

Ranked Choice Voting, which failed to gather enough signatures for the Missouri ballot this year, is back in the spotlight after a series of primaries pitting anti-Trump Republicans against Trump-endorsed Republicans.

Politico: For House Republicans who voted to impeach Donald Trump, the 2022 primaries have been a bloodbath. Four of the 10 lost their primaries. Another four decided against running again. Just two made it to the November ballot.  The two primary season survivors, Reps. David Valadao of California and Dan Newhouse of Washington, have something in common — both ran in states that use a top-two primary system rather than traditional partisan primaries. Alaska Republican Sen. Lisa Murkowski, who voted to convict Trump but advanced to the general election Tuesday night, was also the beneficiary of an alternative primary format… At a time of rising political polarization and growing frustration with the two-party system, Trump’s impeachment revenge tour has put these alternative voting systems in the national spotlight…


Political Ads on Netflix?

Axios reports that “Streaming has officially topped cable as the most popular method by which Americans consume TV… Just as cable's victory over broadcast ushered in waves of change to U.S. media, streaming's rise will fuel new businesses and cultural forces.  Streaming now makes up more than one-third of all TV consumption in the U.S., according to Nielsen.”

·       Will political ads start to migrate there next cycle?


On the Move

On social media, former Rep. Bryan Spencer, off his recent loss in the Senate 10 primary, says he’s moving to Florida: Since the election Aug 2nd;  I have been looking for a job. I put out a availability all over the US and some international teaching positions.  I had several offers but last night I decided on a position in Nassau County Florida. The pay is almost triple of what I can do here. Good Insurance and it is an A rated School (which there aren't many) So if you haven't heard. I'm on my way to Florida.  It's a year contract so we are going to give it a try. At least I will have a great Governor.


New PACs

Citizens For Safety – Robert Spencer, treasurer.

Past Prosecutors For Kempton – Supporting Sam Kempton for Pettis County Prosecuting Attorney – Mark Kempton, treasurer.               

Show Me Rights PAC – Amber Watson, treasurer.

 Forward PAC – Randy Alberhasky, treasurer; Zach Johnston, deputy treasurer.

Say Yes to Democracy – Annette LePique, treasurer; Bryan Struebig, deputy treasurer.


Lobbyist Registrations

Jonathan Michael Hensley and Zach Pollock added Armstrong Teasdale LLP, AT Government Strategies LLC, and Versa Governmental Strategies LLC.


$5K+ Contributions

HCA Missouri Good Government Fund - $50,000 from MidAmerica Division Office (Nashville TN).

International Brotherhood of Teamsters Missouri PAC - Federal Committee - $34,303 from IBT Drive (Washington DC).

Jackson County Democratic Committee - $10,000 from IBEW Local 124 Voluntary Political Fund.



Happy birthday to Pat Thomas.


MOScout Daily Update: Prepping for the EV Economy - Lovasco Rematch Coming - Foster to Enterprise and more...


MOScout Daily Update: Eigel Responds to Critics - MO RINO Watch Complaint Dismissed - Hurlbert to Herzog - Valentine = Dewey? and more...