MOScout Sunday6: Infrastructure Jobs - Auto Plants - Car Loans - Teaching the Holocaust
We’ll start with a couple charts from the Brookings Institute on infrastructure employment. The source of the graphics can be found here.
1. Infrastructure jobs make up lower portion of our employment than surrounding states.
2 - 3. Many infrastructure jobs are dominated by men with a high school degree or less.
4. Our weather – plus all those roads – put us high on the list of spending for snow removal.
Source: The Hustle.
5. Roads have become safer… for cars, but not for everyone else…
Source: New York Times.
6. The trend toward electric vehicle is reshaping spending in auto industry.
Source: Wall Street Journal.
7. Higher used car prices and higher interest rates = higher car loans (and payments).
Source: Federal Reserve Economic Data.
8. Same phenomenon happening in new car market too.
Source: Federal Reserve Economic Data.
9. Missouri not among states requiring the teaching of the Holocaust.
Source: Axios.