MOScout Weekender: Hustling Malek - Dunlap Fundraiser - Hallway Hearts Holly - WWTW and more...

Hustling Malek

According to State Treasurer Vivek Malek’s Twitter-feed, it seems he’s in barnstorming mode, zipping all across Missouri…

Dunlap Medical GoFundMe

Ian Dunlap, lobbyist for the Missouri Credit Union Association, is on medical leave as he fights a rare form of cancer.  A GoFundMe campaign has been started to help cover medical costs.  Go here to donate:

Ian has been diagnosed with cholangiocarcinoma, a rare but aggressive type of cancer. He has already shown tremendous will, courage, and determination to fight this diagnosis with every fiber of his being. However, the financial burden of medical bills, treatments, and medications is already overwhelming for him and his family.


Remington/MOScout Poll

The Weekly Poll will return next week.


MOScout’s Hallway Index: Next LG

I asked lobbyists, “Who's likely to be the Republican LG nominee?” 26 replies…


1. Tim Baker… 0%

2. Paul Berry… 3.8%

3. Bob Onder… 7.7%

4. Dean Plocher… 3.8%

5. Holly Thompson Rehder… 80.8%

6. Someone else… 3.8%

Sample of Comments

·       Holly is constantly underestimated. She will win.

·       It’ll probably be Holly. It might Onder. It won’t be Plocher.

·       Anyone but Onder

·       2024 is the fight for the future of the Republican Party in Missouri. This might be the weakest opponent to the Conservative Caucus Slate.

·       I would never bet against Holly.

·       As of right now, The only female on the ticket. It's the Sandra McDowell syndrome for sure.

·       Anyone but dean plocher, he is toast.

·       Female, can shore up SEMO, and will do well in other parts of the state. Holly is the front runner.

·       Surprised Lincoln Hough isn’t on your list. Kehoe, Hough, Rowden is a very interesting slate

·       Pray for Holly, prepare for Bob.


Who Won the Week?

Pro-Choice advocates – The Ohio results buoy hopes that a similar outcome could happen in Missouri in November.

Early Childhood Education – Ahead of a session which has most people pessimistic, child care and early childhood education appear to be the consensus issues supported across the spectrum.

Wesley Bell – Indications of national money preparing to engage against Congresswoman Cori Bush and (so far) no Democratic primary made it a good week for Bell.

Lobbyists on cold mornings – The new metal detectors at the capitol promise no more long lines to get through security.

Find a downloadable version here.


$5K+ Contributions

Missouri Alliance PAC (pro-Patterson) - $15,000 from Western Anesthesiology Assoc.

DougPac (pro-Beck) - $25,000 from Missouri and Kansas Laborers' PAC.

Independence Leadership PAC (pro-Sauls) - $10,000 from Boyd Kenter Thomas & Parrish, LLC.

Missourians for Healthy Families & Fair Wages - $5,519 from Missouri Organizing and Voter Engagement Collaborative.



Happy birthdays to Harrison Sweazea, Dwight Scharnhorst, Tom Shively, and Terry Young.

Sunday: Matt Hill.


MOScout Sunday6: Ohio Results - WFH Impact - Sick Leave - Vehicle Sales and more...


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