MOScout Daily Update: Webber Hits $700K - Troopers to Endorse - Dueling SWMO Fundys - SCOMO on IPs and more...

SCOMO on Abortion IP Cases

The Missouri Supreme Court let stand two the lower court decisions on two cases involving the ballot language that voters would see next November concerning a pro-choice initiative petition.

The decision proved that Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft’s strategy of writing an over-zealous pro-life summary backfired.  While it was popular with Missouri Right to Life and therefore perhaps “smart,” it didn’t do pro-lifers any favor.  The situation that called for the subtle thumb on the scales, not a theatrical load of bricks.


Driving the Day: Troopers Gubby Endorsement

Press release: The Missouri State Troopers Association will make its official endorsement in the 2024 governors race. Since its inception in 1981, MOSTA has only provided seven political endorsements, three for candidates and four for ballot initiatives. This will be the first gubernatorial endorsement in a primary election, for a non-incumbent, in the association’s 42 year history.

·       We’ll find out at 10AM, but the working assumption in the Jeff City crowd is that Mike Kehoe will add another name to his list of endorsements.  He’s been gathering up their organizations for the past year.


Dirk Covering for Cody?

Yesterday the Missouri Independent ran a story about State Treasurer Vivek Malek proposing that MOSERS (Missouri State Employees Retirement System) divest its investments in China.  The board rejected the idea.  See the article here.

Politically, it’s a winning issue for Malek.  Just as Missourians are adamantly against selling farm land to China, you imagine they don’t want us investing “over there” when they should be investing in America.

One politico sees politics in the No votes as well… “Rep. Dirk Deaton voted against moving MOSERS money out of China because he’s supporting his House buddy Cody Smith for state treasurer and he didn’t want Treasurer Vivek Malek to claim high ground on disinvestment. So now Deaton has to explain to voters in McDonald County why Russia was such a bad actor the MOSERS board voted in 2022 to disinvest, but they won't do the same for bad actor China in 2023?”


Missing Weed Tax Money

Post-Dispatch reports that the City of St. Louis missed out on marijuana tax revenue because it failed to file paperwork with the state. Read it here.

The city was supposed to start charging a 3% levy in October. But until about a week ago, no one had filed paperwork with the state to turn on the spigot. And now, per state regulations, city officials will have to wait until January.  Early estimates suggest the city could lose between $480,000 and $600,000 to the mistake.

This type of story presents a danger for Mayor Tishaura Jones.  By itself, it’s nothing much.  But if it gets strung together with normal city grumbling of pot holes, trash collection, 911 calls on hold, Jones could find herself facing a “let’s make the city work again” candidate in 2025.


One building denizen cheered the article citing former Moleg staffer swooping in to clean up the mess by making sure the tax could start to be collected in January. Casey Millburg, Jones’ policy director, moved quickly to solve the problem…”


Webber Chugs Along

With another big fundraiser in Kansas City last night, Democrat Stephen Webber, running in Senate 19 (Rowden termed) has now raised over $700,000 in his campaign.

·       He’s – so far – without a serious primary or general election opponent.


Dueling Fundraisers

The two Republican AG candidates are passing the hat in Springfield.  Next week will likely have an end-of-quarter feel as candidates rush to schedule fundraisers before the holiday lull sets in.  Team Bailey crows that their list is bigger….

Lobbyists Registrations

Richard McIntosh and Elizabeth Lauber added Walther, Antel & Stamper.       


$5K+ Contributions

POL PAC - $50,000 from Polsinelli.

Missouri Leadership Forum - $15,000 from The Larson Group.

Lincoln PAC (pro-Hough) - $10,000 from Rightpath PAC.

UAW Region 4 Midwest States PAC (MO) - $6,000 from Midwest State Cap Exchange (Ottawa, IL).

Missouri Alliance PAC (pro-Patterson) - $10,000 from Missouri Soybean Association.



Happy birthdays to Rep. Ed Lewis, Ginger Steinmetz, Henrio Thelemaque, and John Valenti.


MOScout Schedule

After tomorrow morning’s update, I’ll be off for the long Thanksgiving weekend.


MOScout Daily Update: NBC on MO's Pro-Choice Dilemma - Early Senate 15 Poll - Troopers Back Kehoe - Shields Honored and more...


MOScout Daily Update: Scharf Argues Trump Gag Today - Bailey Eyes Elon Controversy - Rex Watch - Shrugging at Sports Betting Poll and more...