MOScout Daily Update: Ads Hit GOP Sens - Freedom Caucus Inc - Ernst for Harder - Bailey PAC Nets $550K - Malek Adds $100K and more...

First in MOScout: Ads Target GOP Resistance to Tort Reform

The Missouri Civil Justice Reform Coalition is rolling out ads (seven of them in all, aimed at different Republican senators) for opposing tort reform.

See the ads here.

The senators getting dinged are Sen. Bill Eigel, Rick Brattin, Ben Brown, Jill Carter, Denny Hoskins, and Mike Moon.

Who is Missouri Civil Justice Reform Coalition?  I couldn’t find a PAC registered with that name with the Missouri Ethics Commission.  But there is a Missouri Civil Justice Reform Coalition Inc filed with the Secretary of State’s office.  It’s board of directors includes a lot of pro-business lobbyists like: Rich AuBuchon, Tony Reinhart (Ford), Sam Licklider (Realtors), Brad Jones (NFIB), Brandon Koch (MO Insurance Coalition), and Ray McCarty (AIM).

·       Missouri Civil Justice Reform Coalition, Inc’s Jeff City lobbyists are AuBuchon, Aaron Baker, Hannah Beers, and Sarah Schlemeier.


Freedom Caucus LLC

Filed on April 1 (no joke!) with Secretary of State’s Office…. Freedom Caucus LLC.  Listed as the organizer: Robert Frank Onder.

See the paperwork here.


DEI Dance in 5 Acts

Act I: Soon after the House passed its DEI amendments on the budget Senate Appropriations Chair Lincoln Hough said he was wasn’t a fan.

Act II: That brought a saber-rattling tweet from the account of the former Conservative Caucus: “If the provisions by [Rep. Doug Richey] to protect Missourians from woke DEI policies are stripped out, we predict we will take roll call votes on the senate floor to add the provisions back in.”

Act III: Against the backdrop of a possible protracted fight over the amendments, Pro Tem Caleb Rowden weighed in, saying he’d seeking compromise language.

Missouri Republicans believe diversity is a strength in our workforce and in our educational institutions. Missouri Republicans also believe being forced to adhere to positions on diversity, equity and inclusion as a condition of employment or entry into an educational institution is short-sighted… With that being said, the DEI language passed by the House today within our state’s operating budget, while well intentioned, is overly broad and would result in billions of dollars in cuts to hospitals, health care facilities, colleges and universities, and the Missouri House of Representatives itself.  My office will be working with the Governor and other interested parties to find language that will incentivize institutions within this state to encourage environments of merit, fairness and equality that will truly benefit the people of this great state…

Act IV: Over the weekend, Robert Knodell seemed to poke the DEI detractors, with a retweet of DSS’ tweet about a diversity training.

Act V: ??? We’ll see….


What It Means

These first three items today are simply different angles of the same situation confronting the Senate.  Same as last year. A rift within the Republican Caucus. 

·       If you’re in the arena, buckle up.  If you’re in the gallery, grab some popcorn.


Scouplette: Ernst for Harder

In Senate 15, Mark Harder has retained Dallas Ernst and his firm, Skyline Strategies, to serve as general consultant for his campaign committee. Skyline led the digital efforts for Sen. Justin Brown’s successful 2022 reelection.

Team Harder thinks they’re “in the driver’s seat.”

·       There are 187 precincts in the new senate district, and Mark has appeared on the ballot in 129 of those precincts 6 times over the course of his 3 successful bids for county council.

·       In the 2022 general election, Harder outperformed Eric Schmitt in the 7th County Council District by 7 points.


Bailey PAC Answers Scharf PAC

The day after the pro-Will Scharf PAC, Defend Missouri recorded a phenomenal $500K check from the Concord fund, Attorney General Andrew Bailey’s PAC answered.

Liberty and Justice PAC (see large contributions below) recorded nearly $550K in checks, including $125K from prominent personal injury firm Ketchmark & McCreight P.C, and $375K from the family of Pauline MacMillan Keinath (see Wikipedia here).


Another $100K to Malek’s Campaign

Yesterday, State Treasurer Vivek Malek also reported a $100,000 self-contribution to his campaign, dated 3/31 so it hits last quarter.  This is on top of the $700K his PAC received recently.

·       Tipster says: “[Malek] is a hard worker and all in.  Wait until you see his candidate committee report…”


Schnelting Kicks Off

Rep. Adam Schnelting held the kick-off of his Senate 23 bid over the weekend.  Tipster says:
“Despite a tornado warning that caused 20 RSVP’s to stay home, Schnelting’s senate campaign kickoff still had 110 in attendance. He also raised well over $10k last night.”


Situation Awareness: PD Front Page

The Post-Dispatch’s Sunday front page… likely to fuel Jeff City talk about taking over the police department and/or ousting Kim Gardner.  (Note: Moline Acres is in St. Louis County).

Team Plocher

Here’s who has voted with Speaker Dean Plocher 100% of the time on 3rd reads this year.  They represent about a fifth of the Republican Caucus… Reps. David Casteel, Brad Christ, Bill Falkner, Rick Francis, Kurtis Gregory, Dave Griffith, Kent Haden, Mike Henderson, Dan Houx, Barry Hovis, Jim Kolberloh, Jeff Knight, Jeff Myers, Michael O’Donnell, Jon Patterson, Renee Reuter, Lane Roberts, Greg Sharpe, Travis Smith, Ken Waller, and Dale Wright.


Schmidt for House 141

Melissa Schmidt formed a campaign committee to run for House 141.  That’s where Rep. Hannah Kelly is termed.

Schmidt is the director of the Jordan Valley Family Development and Early Childhood Education Center.

·       She previously was a legislative assistant for Suzie Pollock.


Gubby Appts

·       Marty W. Seaton, of Kansas City, was appointed as Circuit Judge for the 16th Judicial Circuit.

·       The Honorable John Robert Lasater, of Kirkwood, was appointed as Circuit Judge for the 21st Judicial Circuit.

·       Jason A. Denney, of Crestwood, was appointed as Associate Circuit Judge for the 21st Judicial Circuit.


Lobbyists Registrations

Andy Arnold added Iowa 80 Group, Inc.    

Salvatore Panettiere and Matthew Roney added KC WFC StadCo, LLC.

Catalyst added Jackpocket.

Mark Dalton added Michael G Winter Consultants.

James Harris added KC Recycle & Waste Solutions.

Heath Clarkston and Doug Nelson deleted HRW Companies, LLC.

$5K+ Contributions

Liberty and Justice PAC (pro-Bailey) - $25,000 from Good Day Farm Missouri LLC.

Liberty and Justice PAC - $22,175 from Missouri Leadership Forum.

Liberty and Justice PAC - $125,000 from Ketchmark & McCreight, P.C (Leawood KS).

Liberty and Justice PAC - $300,000 from Mike and Carolyn Rayner (Minneapolis MN).

Liberty and Justice PAC - $50,000 from Warren Keinath (Minneapolis MN).

Liberty and Justice PAC - $25,000 from Pauline Keinath (Minneapolis MN).

Malek for Missouri - $100,000 from Vivek Malek.

AGC of MO PAC - $6,325 from Steve Sellenriek.



Happy birthday to Dusty Schnieders, Eapen Thampy, and Ron Schieber.


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