MOScout Daily Update: Fitz Out in 3-CD - The Other Fitz Scolds Ashcroft - Tax Receipts Rebound and more…

3-CD Watch: Fitz Out

Reflecting on the time he spends with his family, Rep. Travis Fitzwater says he won’t be running for Congress: [T]his decision doesn’t make sense to many when we have a free run at Congress in-between election cycles for us and the state senate being what it is. Nonetheless, the right thing for us is to continue our service devoted to the constituents of the 10th District as their State Senator. I will not be running for Congress in 2024. Our efforts are best spent fighting for what’s right here at home…

What It Means

With MidMO senators Mike Bernskoetter and Fitzwater passing, there seems to be a geographic lane open for an aspiring politician from those central counties.  Luckily there are plenty of names being floated to take up the task… Taylor Burks, Caleb Rowden (re-calculating), Kurt Schaefer, Locke Thompson, and Sara Walsh.


1 Big Thing: Budget Doomsday Scenario Fades

As of the close of business last Friday, January’s revenues were looking quite robust, up over 30% compared to January 2023.  That strength had pulled the fiscal-year-to-date revenues out of the red to a slightly positive position, up 2-ish%.

2% growth in a 3% inflation environment isn’t cause for celebration, and revenues can gyrate wildly from week to week.  Still, earlier fears of a billion-dollar revenue hole are dissipating as the economy’s consistent growth is underpinning steady tax receipts.

Why It Matters

This offers some relief for any legislator with a wish list that comes with a fiscal note.  Or even a governor.  The State of the State speech is tomorrow and some expect the governor to call for greater incentives and/or subsidies for child care expansion.


Fitz: Ashcroft Not Following Law

Auditor Scott Fitzpatrick took the Secretary of State’s office to task for failing to comply HB 1878. “With a major election cycle right around the corner, verifying the implementation of the new cyber security reviews was a vital part of our audit…it's disappointing the Secretary of State's Office stood in the way…”

See the audit here.

The report details how the Secretary of State's Office (SOS) refused to provide information on the office's implementation of a new statutory requirement to perform cyber security reviews of Missouri's 116 local election authorities (LEAs). Despite the fact that Missouri law requires the disclosure of the information to the State Auditor's Office (SAO), the SOS refused to provide the names of LEAs receiving cyber security reviews, LEAs planned to receive future reviews, or the results of the reviews that have been conducted.


House Hears Priorities

House committees will hear some significant Republican priorities today…

·       Elections and Elected Officials Committee (10:30AM, HR6) will hear bills to change the initiative petition process.  Post-Dispatch’s Jack Suntrup gives an overview here.

·       Special Committee on Public Policy (Noon, HR1) will hear Rep. Dan Houx’s sports betting bill.

As pessimistic as we all are about anything getting done this session, high profile bills are zipping through the committee process in both chambers so far this year…


Rehder Starts YouTubing

Sen. Holly Thompson Rehder has started a YouTube channel.  Her first video (see it here) revisits her floor speech from last week where she detailed some behind-the-scenes machinations of senators negotiating bills’ fates at the end of last session.

What It Means

Regular Republicans in the Senate have made no secret of their disdain for Conservative Caucus/Freedom Caucus members ballyhooing on social media.  But some only blame themselves for yielding the online space, allowing the CC/FC narrative to take hold among the party’s grassroots activists.  Thompson Rehder appears to be striking back.


Cryptos Lobby Up

Political Influence reports that “Coinbase, the largest cryptocurrency exchange in the U.S., grew its lobbying footprint at the end of 2023 according to newly filed disclosures — a rare step following a year that saw legal issues gut the political influence of several of its former rival platforms.”

Coinbase and other cryptofirms have formed a PAC with a $78 million war-chest.

·       Here in Missouri, Coinbase is represented by Tashayla Person Donohoe, Rebecca Lohmann, and Alex Eaton.


Committee News

JAK PAC was formed.  It’s a political action committee to support Rep. Jeff Knight. See the paperwork here.


$5K+ Contributions

Missourians for Constitutional Freedom - $25,000 from Timothy Stern.


Lobbyist Registrations

David Bunge added Azimuth Renewables LLC.

Jay Reichard and Olivia Wilson added Navigate Building Solutions.

Kurt Schaefer added Diamond Pet Foods.

Eapen Thampy added Pate Group.

Craig Saperstein added Professional Certification Coalition.

Alex Tuttle added Safer St. Louis LLC, and American Association of Dental Boards.

The Winton Group added Lyric Opera of Kansas City.

Jodi Widhalm added ARMORVINE LLC.



Happy birthdays to Kyle Aubuchon, Steve Walker, Jordan Overstreet, and Ken Jacob.


MOScout Daily Update: Senate Rupture and What It Means - SOTS Day - $2M for Sports Betting and more…


MOScout Daily Update: Latest Talk on 3-CD - Ashcroft Hit Have Legs? - Polling IP Reform - Catalyst Promotions and more….