MOScout Daily Update: Senate Advances Huge Ed Bill - Moon on IVF - Plocher Testifies - Billington Touts Anti-Vax Myths and more…

Senate Advances Huge Education Bill

After being stymied on Monday, the Senate perfected a significant education bill

When faced with filibusters in the Senate, there are generally three courses of action.  Stick to your guns and wear down your opponents; cut from the bill until your critics can live with the bill; or add to the bill to weaken the opposition’s resistance.  The sponsor, Sen. Andrew Koenig, chose the third path, and succeeded.  The bill ballooned to 162 pages and included sweeteners to help public school advocates swallow the pro-school choice components of the bill.

The biggest of these changes was a shift – phased-in over time – in how schools are funded.  Currently in the “foundation formula” schools are funded according to attendance.  Dollars are attached to students in the seats.  This bill would change that to a 50-50 mix of attendance and enrollment. The estimated cost, when fully phased-in: an extra $350 million to schools.

Proponents of this change say that there are fixed costs based on enrollment regardless of how many students are absent on any particular day.  But the danger here is that schools become less vigilant in encouraging student attendance, and they basically let kids drop out since they have less to lose when a trouble child skips school.

The heart of the bill remains: an increase in the ESA funding from $50 million to $75 million.  And charter school expansion, although this was pulled back to just Boone County. 

·       Koenig admitted on the floor that they feel some urgency to add Boone County this session because Sen. Caleb Rowden is supportive, and the presumed next senator – Democrat Stephen Webber will be opposed.


Moon: IVF Doing What “Only God” Should Do

Sen. Mike Moon tried to add an amendment to the education bill that would require schools to “teach that life begins at conception.”  See it here.

This brought an exchange with Sen. Lauren Arthur who asked Moon pointblank: “Do you think that in-vitro fertilization should be allowed to take place?”

Moon reply was exactly what makes Republicans nervous about the IVF debate... “If I were the one with the magic wand, I would have discouraged it, because now you got how many fertilized embryos out there? And what happens if that facility where they're housed loses power and they all die? Who's culpable? And so I think we've created a problem. And that's only God supposed to create in that fashion. And we've taken it upon ourselves to do it…”


When Moon tried to roll-call the amendment vote, his usual floor allies were nowhere to be seen. With only three senators (of five needed) standing to support his motion, he couldn’t get the vote recorded.  Moon fumed: “I will have some conversations on people who are missing here. It's not going to be pretty.”  And later: “Because, when you think you have people who agree with the premise of what you're trying to do and they, either aren't here to help or don't chime in. It’s just frustrating.”


Driving the Day: Smith Gets Senate Hearing

Rep. Cody Smith will come before the Senate Health and Welfare Committee to present his HB 2634 which would prevent Planned Parenthood from receiving any MO HealthNet reimbursement. 

The committee, chaired by Sen. Mary Elizabeth Coleman, should be a friendly setting for him, though Sen. Barbara Washington knows how to ask some zingers.


Plocher Testifies to Ethics Committee

Missouri Independent reports on Speaker Dean Plocher testifying before the House Ethics Committee yesterday.

·       Appearing alongside his attorneys — Lowell Pearson and David Steelman — Plocher’s testimony took place behind-closed doors. House rules require proceedings of the ethics committee to be confidential, with none of the discussions, testimony or evidence gathered made public until a final report is issued.

·       After an hour and a half testifying, Plocher quickly left out of a side door of the hearing room and ignored questions from reporters as he boarded an elevator. He was late for a dinner he was hosting in the House Lounge with former speakers.

·       Roughly an hour after Plocher left the hearing, state Rep. Dale Wright, a Republican from Farmington, showed up to testify. He is chairman of the House Administration and Accounts Committee, which is in charge of purchasing for the House.

·       After Wright testified, the committee heard from state Rep. Chris Sander of Lone Jack, a Republican who has called for Plocher to resign.


Billington’s Anti-Vax Stance

In Monday’s House Special Committee on Rep. Hardy Billington, presenting his HR 4210, repeatedly claimed that COVID vaccine “came from aborted babies.”

·       See his exchange with Rep. Bridget Walsh Moore here.

·       See his exchange with Rep. Barbara Phifer here.


Cancer Patients and Survivors Day

Missouri cancer advocates will descend on the Capitol today.  And the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network has promised giant inflatable lungs.

On their legislative wish-list: a bill that defines “out-of-pocket” costs to include monies paid on behalf of the enrollees.  It’s been voted out of committees in both chambers.

·       House sponsor is Rep. Dale Wright (HB 1628).

·       Senate sponsor is Sen. Mike Bernskoettoer (SB 844).


Up to $40/Hour

Hot market for signature gathers!




·       We’re about 7 weeks away from the May 5 deadline for initiative petitions.


Schwadron on the Road

Rep. Adam Schwadron is tracking his miles as he crisscrosses the state for his secretary of state bid.  His website notes his current mileage.  Last weekend’s trips added 833 miles to the total… 


Hot Primary in House 86

There’s a 3-way primary to replace Rep. Joe Adams in House 86. I’m told that Adams is backing Trina Nelson, but this invite shows there’s a bunch of folks behind University City Councilman Jeff Hales….


Bush Touts Endorsement

Press release: Congresswoman Cori Bush (MO-01), the first Black woman and nurse elected to Congress in Missouri, announced the endorsement of the Congressional Black Caucus PAC (CBCPAC) in her bid for re-election in Missouri’s First Congressional District.


Banning TikTok?

Congress is expected to vote today on a TikTok ban.  There are fears that the app could give the Chinese government access to data, and the ability to run a disinformation campaign.

·       TikTok’s Jeff City lobbyists: and Mike Gibbons, Tricia Workman, and Tony Dugger.


New Candidate Filing

·       Rep. Richard Brown (Democrat) filed for Lieutenant Governor.  Brown was the presumed Democratic candidate until he didn’t file last month.  But now he’s in!

·       Rep. Justin Hicks (Republican) filed for the 3rd Congressional District.

·       Eric Stevens (Democrat) filed in House 54.  This is where Republican Rep. Dan Houx is term limited and running for state senate.  There are two Republicans running. 

·       Jim Robinette (Republican) filed to run for House 136.  This is a 50-50 district.  Democratic Rep. Stephanie Hein knocked off Craig Fishel here in 2022 by 203 votes.

·       Courtney Sweeney-Legore (Democrat) filed to run in House 155.  This is where Republican Rep. Travis Smith is running for state senate. There are two Republican running.


New PACs

Abortion Action Missouri PAC was formed.  Its treasurer is Elena 'Lori' Lamprich.


$5K+ Contributions

HealthPAC - $5,500 from Associated Purchasing Service Corporation (Topeka, KS).

Missourians for Constitutional Freedom (pro-reproductive rights IP) - $8,205 from The Fairness Project (Washington, DC).

Missourians for Healthy Families & Fair Wages (higher minimum wage IP) - $6,670 from Missouri Organizing and Voter Engagement Collaborative.

Leaderbrand For JEFFCO - $15,000 from Alan Leaderbrand.


Lobbyist Registrations

John Bardgett, Jacqueline Bardgett, Chris Roepe, and Mark Habbas added City of Ellisville; and deleted City of Ladue.

Nexus Group added Love Columbia.      

Eric Duncan added Indivior.

Ward Cook added Cozad Company LLC.

John Cozad deleted CNS Corporation, and Raptor Recycle and Transfer.

David Sweeney deleted Missouri Clean Energy District, and HOK.

Olivia Wilson deleted Navigate Building Solutions.



Happy birthdays to Rep. Brad Hudson.


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