MOScout Daily Update: Dueker Contra Ashcroft - McMullen as Freedomer? - Gregory $$$ - Rogers for Lewis - House Primaries and more…

Baker Tragedy

Last week Rep. Ben Baker shared the tragic news that his daughter and son-in-law were killed while doing missionary work in Haiti.  See the New York Times reporting on the attack here.

In addition to prayers for the families, Rep. Dirk Deaton has set up a GoFundMe campaign to raise money for the families.  See it here.



Scooplette: Dueker Files MEC Complaint Against Ashcroft

Jane Dueker, lobbyist for various police organizations, has filed an ethics complaint against Jay Ashcroft’s campaign and his associated political action committee, Committee for Liberty.  She alleges that in coordinating a mass mailing, “Ashcroft for Missouri received an over-limit unlawful in-kind contribution from Committee for Liberty.  Indeed, this violation is so plain that this Commission need do little or no investigating.” 

Read the complaint here.

What It Means

This could potentially become fodder for a negative ad from either, or both, the Mike Kehoe and Bill Eigel campaigns as the race heats up.


Gregory Fundraiser

Former Rep. David Gregory had a monster fundraiser on Thursday night at lobbyist Steve Tilley’s home.  One source: “Vehicles were lined up and stopped on Lindbergh to get into the neighborhood. In addition to the mega-donors hosting the event, there were massive St. Louis business influencers there including Rick Pogue, Bob Blitz and many others. The event was packed with 175 attendees throughout the night.”

Why It Matters

A lot of lobbyist money has been sitting on the sidelines in this race (Senate 15 to replace Sen. Andrew Koenig) because it looks too close to call.  Perhaps a strong showing from Gregory in the next quarterly filing will bring folks off the fence in the final weeks?


First in MOScout: Rogers Backs Lewis

When Greg Razer announced his appointment to the State Tax Commission, Pat Contreras was ready and rolled out a list of endorsements

However, Rep. Patty Lewis now has the support of at least one of the names on that list.  Former Rep., and KC City Councilman, Wes Rogers confirms that he’s backing Lewis.


McMullen Potential Freedom Caucus Member?

I’d written last week about how most politicos are watching the Republican Senate primaries as an omen for next session’s forecast.  The feeling is that if Freedom Caucus candidates win primaries and enlarge that bloc, we’ll have the makings for another turbulent session. 

One reader points out that it’s not just the August primary.  In Senate 11, the general election could be important as well.

Folks have identified Joe Nicola as the Freedomer in that Republican primary.  That places Republican Rep. Aaron McMullen as the more traditional Republican. 

However, McMullen is a member of the House Freedom Caucus already.  And this source points to key votes where McMullen stood with his Senate Freedom Caucus colleagues…

·       Voted against the FRA (SB 748, House Journal 05.15.24)  The only Senators to vote AGAINST the FRA were Sens. Brattin and Eigel.

·       Voted against 340B bill (SB 751, House Journal 05.17.24) The only Senators to vote AGAINST SB 751 were Sens. Brattin, Eigel, and Hoskins.

What It Means

Assuming McMullen wins the Republican primary, look for Democrat Rep. Robert Sauls to make this argument to the business community and Jeff City lobbyists.


House Primaries

As I summarize the House primaries, I’m adding them to the 2024 Watch

House 67 – Rep. Chantelle Nickson-Clark is running for state senate.  There’s a two-way Democratic primary to replace her.  Neil Smith (see his Facebook page here) is a former state rep.  He won his 2020 primary in House 67 and served for two years before getting knocked off by Nickson-Clark in 2022 (65%-35%).  Smith started his campaign committee after the last quarterly deadline.  He faces Tonya Rush (see her website here), owner of a home healthcare agency.  Rush has raised some money ($5,141 COH) and appears well-organized.


House 68 – Rep. Jay Mosely is term limited.  His daughter, Janay Mosley, is running for this seat. (Her sister, Chanel, is running for another seat as the Mosley family attempts to extend their franchise in the legislature).  From Janay’s website: As the daughter of Senator Angela Walton Mosley and State Representative Jay Mosley, the Niece of former State Representatives and County Councilwoman, Rochelle Walton Gray, and Alan Gray, and the granddaughter of the radical activist Elbert Walton Jr. this journey into politics was inevitable for Janay.  Janay faces two opponents: Dr. Kem Smith (see her website here), a veteran educator, with $480 COH, and Pamela Paul (see her Facebook page here), who ran in 2022, taking 25% of the vote in the 3-way primary which included the incumbent Mosley.  Paul started her campaign committee after deadline.


House 70 – Rep. Gretchen Bangert is termed.  Three Democrats have filed to replace her.  Stephanie Boykin (see her website here) leads the field with $8,256 COH (and $9,577 in debt). Boykin ran against Bangert in 2022, winning 38% of the vote.  Rickey Joiner doesn’t appear to have an online presence and he filed a “limited activity” report.  Durell Reeves (see his website here) runs Fastlane Business Services.  He started his committee after the deadline.


House 73 – Rep. Raychel Proudie (see her bio here) is running for her fourth and final term.  She faces a rematch with former Rep. Mike Person.  Person (see his Facebook here) was state rep in 2020, but redistricting placed him in the same district as Proudie in 2022, and she bested him 62% to 38%.  As of last quarter, Person had not raised any money, while Proudie had $1,891 cash on-hand.



Candidate Withdrawals

In House 98, Republican Tim Bosch dropped out last week.  This is potentially impactful news as it gives Carol Veillette a clear path to the Republican nomination.  Democratic Rep. Deb Lavendar is term limited and Republicans may make a target of this seat.  It leans Democrat, but fits the definition of a swing district: In 2020, Joe Biden beat Donald Trump in the district by 6.4%, and Nicole Galloway beat Mike Parson by 2.9%.  But all the other down ballot statewide Republicans won (LG Kehoe, then-AG Schmitt, SOS Ashcroft, and then-Treasurer Fitzpatrick).

·       Still, Democrat Jaclyn Zimmermann (see her website here) is the favorite to win in November.


$5K+ Contributions

North County Alive PAC - $30,000 from Mid-America Carpenters Regional Council M)-KS Area PAC.

Conservative Leaders of Missouri - $25,000 from Protection Plus LLC.

Show Me Growth PAC (pro-David Gregory) - $10,000 from Missouri C PAC.


Lobbyists Registrations

Steven Tilley, Thomas Robbins, Brittany Hyatt Robbins, Christopher Schoeman, and Alec Rosenblum added BJG Meat Co. LLC.



Happy birthdays to Rep. Robert Sauls, Olivia Wilson, Elijah Haahr, and Alderwoman Daniela Velázquez.


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