MOScout Daily Update: Corley Kick-off Coming - Webber Disavows Dem Candidate - Another Endorsement for Lewis and more…

Corley Kick-Off Coming

Republican Jamie Corley is kicking off her secretary of state campaign next week.  And the campaign’s website is live as well.  See it here.

What It Means

·       It’s a well-connected host committee with business founders Jim McKelvey and Maxine Clark.

·       Corley has an intriguing path.  In the 8-way Republican primary, she’s the only candidate who’s taken a moderate stance on abortion.

·       But with her kick-off event only seven weeks before the primary, it’s an all-out sprint against the clock.  Is there enough time for Corley to raise enough money and deploy it to have an impact before the primary election?


Webber Disavows Raithel

Senate 19 candidate Stephen Webber, writing on social media yesterday, disavowed the Democratic candidate for House in Boone County.

·       It recently came to my attention that the Democratic candidate for the 44th House District here in Boone County, Dave Raithel, was arrested for assault stemming from an altercation at Centralia’s Anchor Fest, has an upcoming court date, and subsequently emailed someone asking about it to “go f–k yourself.” While the legal process should play out fairly, I do not believe it is in the best interest of the people of Boone County for Dave Raithel to continue seeking public office…

·       In 2024 people often express the sentiment that “nothing matters.” With the Republican presidential nominee being liable for sexual assault, convicted of 34 felonies, and facing scores more, it can certainly feel that way.  But the Republican party didn’t become the hostage of [Donald] Trump overnight. It happened slowly because people continued to rationalize away previously unacceptable behavior.  Things will only “matter” once again when we as a people decide that they do, and are willing to do something about it. 

·       I am calling on Dave Raithel to suspend his campaign for House District 44, and to remove himself from the ballot at the next opportunity.  I’m also asking the Boone County Democratic Party to not include Dave Raithel in his capacity as a candidate at any events for the remainder of the election cycle.  

What It Means

House 44 is a solid Republican seat. So there’s no practical impact here.  But Webber’s statement reinforces Democrats encourages Dems to take the high ground.


Another Labor Endorsement for Lewis

Press release: Patty Lewis (D-25) announced today that International Association of Fire Fighters Local 42 has voted to endorse her candidacy for Missouri Senate District 7. IAFF Local 42 joins several other labor unions in supporting Lewis’ campaign, solidifying her position as the strongest pro-labor candidate in the race.

Dan Heizman, President of IAFF Local 42, said that “Representative Patty Lewis has a proven record as an unwavering supporter of Missouri’s Fire Fighters, Paramedics and first responders and is a leader in the area of mental health support for those who serve others.”

What It Means

MOScout polling in this district earlier in the month showed a wide-open race with 66% of the voters undecided.  Lewis had a slight lead over her opponent Pat Contreras.  And, importantly, organized labor is very popular with Dem voters in this district…

Q4: What is your opinion of labor unions overall?

Favorable: 82%

Unfavorable: 6%

No opinion: 13%


Lobbyists Registrations

Tricia Workman and Mike Gibbons deleted Creekmoor Property Owners Association, Inc.


$5K+ Contributions

UAW Region 4 Midwest States PAC (MO) - $6,000 from Midwest State Cap Exchange (Ottawa, IL).

American Dream PAC (pro-Kehoe) - $25,000 from McLarty Automotive Group.

Citizens For Jim Arnott - $20,000 from Brent Davis.

General Motors Company PAC Missouri - Federal Committee - $40,000 from General Motors Company Political Action Committee (Washington, DC).



Happy birthdays to Rep. Gretchen Bangert, Steven Tilley, Darrell Curls and Chuck Basye.


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