MOScout Daily Update: HRCC $$$ Record, Top Givers - Freshmen Rockstars? - Richey to Hudson? - Kehoe’s Cavalry and more…


We’ll start with this head-scratcher from KCTVAaron McMullen signs in New York.

The residents of Long Island, New York, have been spending a lot more time talking about Missouri politics this week than usual, but not for any reason you would guess. Within the last week, yard signs campaigning for Missouri Representative Aaron McMullen have started to appear all across the island… [A]bout 1,300 miles away from Bethpage, New York, in the far southwest corner of the state, is Bethpage, Missouri… some people think that’s where the mixup happened… it was probably a mistake to have them shipped to Bethpage but that there was nothing else to do with them but put them up.

HRCC Rakes In $$$

In the large contributions, you’ll see a lot checks to the House Republican Campaign Committee.  Those are the checks they received over their summer retreat, but they don’t total the total sum of pledges they’ve received. I’m told their fundraising total was $1,592,000, a new record for summer caucus.

Why It Matters

House Republicans have a number of tough suburban showdowns.  These are districts where the abortion IP and Donald Trump’s sometimes boorish behavior will hurt Republicans.  But once again, however, HRCC will be able to out-gun their Democratic opponents, and make every district a fight.


More HRCC Talk

·       A full line-up of top-notch speakers…  Jeff Roe was fascinating. Mike Kehoe was gracious.”

·       Representatives making big pledges… Reps. Brad Christ and Jeff Myers have both already contributed/raised $50K and each respectively hit $10-15K above that this weekend.  Both are thought to be headed for leadership in the 2026 cycle.  Future Budget Chair Dirk Deaton is also above his $50K pledge. Other big players: Reps. Dane Diehl, Wendy Hausman and Brenda Shields.

·       Early odds-on “rockstars” in the freshman class…  Brandon Phelps (House 54, Houx district), Jim Robinette (House 136, taking on incumbent Rep. Stephanie Hein), and Cathy Jo Loy (House 163, Cody Smith district).

·       Word was spreading that Rep. Doug Richey will be tapped as Sen-elect. Brad Hudson’s chief of staff.


Renewed Attempt to Take Over STL Police Coming?

In that HRCC money list, there’s a big $50,000 from Missouri Law Enforcement for Good Government PAC.  That’s the group advocating for the state to take over the St. Louis Police force.  It looks like we’ll see another push on that issue in the upcoming session.

Here’s a look at some of their giving this year…

·       $300,000 to various committee supporting the Republican gubernatorial Mike Kehoe

·       $30,000 to Speaker-elect Jon Patterson’s Missouri Alliance PAC.

·       $25,000 to Real Action PAC, supporting Rep. Brad Christ, who sponsored legislation last session.

·       $20,000 to likely-Senate Pro Tem Cindy O’Laughlin’s NEMO Leadership PAC.

·       $10,000 to Senate Judiciary Committee (where any such bill would likely go) Chair Tony Luetkemeyer.


Kehoe Calls on “Cavalry”

Here’s the pitch from Team Kehoe for primary donors to re-up and re-load his campaign for the general election…


Stadium Subsidy Coming?

St. Louis Business Journal reportsA top St. Louis Cardinals executive indicated Thursday that the team could ask the city of St. Louis, St. Louis County and state of Missouri to help finance major renovations to Busch Stadium in coming years. Cardinals President Bill DeWitt III said the franchise would engage in conversations with the city, county and state about the improvements, aimed at extending the lifespan of the more than 18-year-old stadium…


SLPS Chaos

Post-Dispatch reports that “more than 1,000 students don’t have a ride to the first day of school after three companies canceled their commitments of 36 buses for St. Louis Public Schools. Administrators at SLPS have been scrambling to cover student transportation since primary bus vendor Missouri Central canceled its contract with the district in the spring… Three vendors told district leaders in the past week that they are no longer able to deploy their promised fleet of buses, according to a news release sent just before 5 p.m. Saturday.”

·       No additional details were available about the number of students affected or alternate plans, said SLPS spokesman George Sells. Parents received emails late Saturday informing them of the “temporary suspension of transportation service” and were told they could pick up a gas card at the schools following dismissal Monday.

·       Square Watson, SLPS’ chief of operations, and Toyin Akinola, transportation director, did not respond to questions Sunday about the percentage of bus routes that won’t be covered and any potential legal action against the three vendors.


eMailbag on Weekender

·       I think Josh Hawley won the week by challenging Lucas Kunce to a debate at the State Fair.  Kunce’s declining the offer and pointing out supposed FEC concerns at the 11th hour to avoid the debate made him look extremely weak.

·       Someone commented that if Barbara Pfifer had money, the SoS race could get very tight. Relatedly, if I were 7'3", I could have just won a gold medal with the U.S. basketball team.


New Committees

·       Missourians for Good Governance PAC was formed.  See the filing here. It’s in support of Jim Robinette.  Robinette is the Republican running in the Springfield battleground district of House 136, where Democratic Rep. Stephanie Hein ousted Craig Fishel in 20222 (51%-49%).  Creating a PAC allows for contributions above the candidate limits.

·       Already laying the groundwork for 2026… Mahacek For Missouri (see the filing here) is an exploratory committee for Bob Mahacek to run for House 95 as a Republican.  That’s where Rep. Michael O’Donnell is set to be term-limited in 2026.  Mahacek ran a tough – and ultimately unsuccessful race for House 92 in 2022, losing to Rep. Michael Burton (51%-49%).


$5K+ Contributions

House Republican Campaign Committee, Inc - $50,000 from Missouri Law Enforcement for Good Government PAC.

House Republican Campaign Committee, Inc - $30,000 from Missouri Soybean Association.

House Republican Campaign Committee, Inc - $25,000 from Centene Management Company LLC.

House Republican Campaign Committee, Inc - $25,000 from HealthPAC.

House Republican Campaign Committee, Inc - $20,750 from Alex Riley for State Representative.

House Republican Campaign Committee, Inc - $20,000 from Kansas City Airport Parking LLC.

House Republican Campaign Committee, Inc - $20,000 from Missourians for Shields.

House Republican Campaign Committee, Inc - $15,000 from Citizens for Owen.

House Republican Campaign Committee, Inc - $15,000 from Ameren Missouri Company.

House Republican Campaign Committee, Inc - $15,000 from MO Optometric PAC.

House Republican Campaign Committee, Inc - $15,000 from Xcaliber International Ltd LLC.

House Republican Campaign Committee, Inc - $15,000 from Dealers Interested in Government.

House Republican Campaign Committee, Inc - $11,000 from Jim Schulte for Missouri.

House Republican Campaign Committee, Inc - $10,250 from Committee to Elect John Black.

House Republican Campaign Committee, Inc - $10,000 from Boggs for Missouri.

House Republican Campaign Committee, Inc - $10,000 from Breakthru Beverage Missouri LLC PAC.

House Republican Campaign Committee, Inc - $10,000 from Jennifer Monheiser.

House Republican Campaign Committee, Inc - $10,000 from Dane Diehl.

House Republican Campaign Committee, Inc - $9,300 from Chappel4MO.

House Republican Campaign Committee, Inc - $7,620 from Chad for Missouri.

House Republican Campaign Committee, Inc - $7,250 from Citizens for Dean Vanschoiack.

House Republican Campaign Committee, Inc - $6,050 from Citizens for Donnie Brown.

House Republican Campaign Committee, Inc - $5,750 from Friends to Elect Jim Kalberloh.

House Republican Campaign Committee, Inc - $5,400 from Committee to Elect Bob Bromley.

House Republican Campaign Committee, Inc - $5,250 from Hurlbert for Missouri.

House Republican Campaign Committee, Inc - $5,150 from We the People for Tara J Peters.

House Republican Campaign Committee, Inc - $5,050 from Christopher Lonsdale.



Happy birthdays to Donna Pfautsch, Mark Siettmann, Connie Cunningham, and Tim O’Connell.


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