MOScout Weekender: Shaq to JCity - Support for Kehoe Agenda - Hart to SOS - Hallway Sees Fitz Cruising and more…
Shaq to the Future
Shaquille O’Neal made an appearance in Jefferson City yesterday. He’s one of the owners of SteadyIQ, a tech platform that helps determine benefits eligibility. Read about it here.
The technology is what SteadyIQ calls “consent-based verification,” propelling applicants out of the passive process into an alternative “user-directed” flow. According to a case study about the 2023 Missouri pilot within the Missouri Family Support Division, ”Income Passport” reports from SteadyIQ were received in 18 minutes on average, with 88 percent of submissions back within 24 hours. The result was a 25 percent reduction in rejections for benefits due to incomplete files, and qualified participants received their benefits four days earlier.
Source: Erica Choinka.
Steady Platform Inc is repped in Jefferson City by Andy and Andrew Arnold.
First in MOScout: Hart to SOS
Ryan Hart will be joining the Secretary of State’s office as Deputy General Counsel. Hart comes from the Department of Social Services where he was the Division Director of the Division of Legal Service.
· Hart is the son of Barry Hart, who led the Association of Missouri Electric Coops for decades before his retirement.
Remington/MOScout Poll: Kehoe Agenda
Survey conducted January 22 through January 23, 2025. 644 likely 2026 General Election voters participated in the survey. Survey weighted to match expected turnout demographics for the 2026 General Election. Margin of Error is +/-3.7% with a 95% level of confidence. Totals do not always equal 100% due to rounding. Survey conducted by Remington Research Group on behalf of Missouri Scout. See the full report here.
Q1: What is your opinion of Donald Trump?
Favorable: 54%
Unfavorable: 41%
No opinion: 5%
Q2: One of Governor Mike Kehoe’s priorities is to have the state takeover the St. Louis police force. Do you support or oppose this policy?
Support: 45%
Oppose: 38%
Not sure: 17%
Q3: One of Governor Mike Kehoe’s priorities is to expand charter schools in Missouri. Do you support or oppose this policy?
Support: 44%
Oppose: 32%
Not sure: 24%
Q4: One of Governor Mike Kehoe’s priorities is to phase out the state income tax in Missouri. Do you support or oppose this policy?
Support: 61%
Oppose: 21%
Not sure: 18%
MOScout’s Hallway Index: Auditor Primary?
I asked lobbyists, “Will Scott Fitzpatrick get a credible primary opponent in 2026?” 21 replies…
1. Very likely… 9.5%.
2. Somewhat likely… 14.3%
3. Somewhat unlikely… 23.8%
4. Very unlikely… 52.4%
Sample of Comments
· Gregory runs again.
· Only if you consider someone like Justin Sparks credible, so no
· Yes because of consultants. The Wasinger playbook worked, some rich Republican will get talked into it.
· He's basically unbeatable, but that doesn't mean someone won't try.
· What does credible mean? Someone who doesn’t have two heads? Maybe. Someone that can beat him? No.
· Unless Andrew Bailey funds a challenger, he does not.
· Very doubtful but not impossible
Who Won the Week?
Melissa Schmidt – In line to be the sponsor of the first bill out of the House this session. Quite an achievement for a freshman.
Melissa Douglas, Nick Kimble, and Marty Murray – The freshmen Democrats landed spots on the coveted Budget Committee. It’s a big deal because it’s place where you can direct some money back to your district and influence spending – even as a member of the superminority.
Bishop Davidson – Named vice-chair of the House Budget Committee puts him in position to take over the gavel in two years.
John Hancock and Jonathon Prouty – Won kudos for the Inauguration ceremonies and programs running flawlessly.
More on Spencer Grill
Mike Kleckner with Victory Enterprises is also a co-owner of Spencer’s Grill with Meredith Shadwick.
$5K+ Contributions
Breakthru Beverage Missouri, LLC - $25,000 from Charles Merinoff.
A Brighter Future for St Louis PAC (pro-Cara Spencer) - $25,000 from Southern Real Estate and Financial Company.
A Brighter Future for St Louis PAC - $10,000 from Caesars Enterprise Services LLC c/o Caesars Entertainment A/P Dept (Las Vegas, NV).
Happy birthdays to Mark Rhoads, Jack Oliver, Gracia Baker, Debby Kring, and Mike Corcoran.
Sunday: Rep. Gregg Bush, and Ken Franklin.