MOScout Weekender: Murph For Mayor - Hallway on Early Bills - Who Won the Week and more…

Murph Lands Checks

In today’s large contributions there are several for Murphy for Mayor, including one from Mizzou’s Eli Drinkwitz and his wife Lindsey.  Murphy is running for mayor Columbia.

One MOScouter sent me this missive…

A plain-spoken law-and-order candidate is shaking up Columbia's nonpartisan mayor's race. The incumbent is first-term Mayor Barbara Buffaloe, who won the mayor's office by just 800 votes in a four-candidate race three years ago. Buffaloe was elected after working for 11 years as the city’s sustainability manager. Violent crime has surged in the home of Mizzou, with lots of local grumbling about Columbia becoming another Kansas City or St. Louis…

Suddenly attention is focused on Buffaloe challenger Blair "Murph" Murphy, a straight-talking everyman paint store owner in a polo shirt, fed up with violent crime in his hometown. Murphy invited 100 friends to a campaign kickoff in his paint store's warehouse. He drew nearly 600 guests, including Mizzou's iconic 89-year-old former basketball coach Norm Stewart. Murphy has a compelling story: Raised by a single mom in Columbia, they lived in a trailer and she worked on a factory line. Murphy, who goes by "Murph," graduated from Hickman High School then enrolled at Mizzou, only to withdraw from college to go to work to help support his mom. He started working on a paint store loading dock 36 years ago, and rose to own the store.

·       Murphy also has the sole endorsement of the Columbia Police Officers Association.


MOScout’s Hallway Index:

I asked lobbyists, “What has the best of making it to the governor's desk before Spring Break?” 17 replies…


1. Pesticide labeling… 0%

2. Statute of limitations… 0%

3. STL police takeover. …64.7%

4. Utilities future test year… 29.4%

5. VLT legalization/regulation… 5.9%

Sample of Comments

·       The STL police takeover is the top priority for Gov and Republicans. It will be the first to pass.

·       I would vote none BUT if I had to guess, a deal gets cut to move the STL city senators out of the way. I could be wrong but that’s how these things usually go, STL city senators get something for themselves.

·       [STL police takeover] Most likely because of the interest the topic has received to this point…though I don’t believe it’s likely by any means.  I understand the kumbaya narrative that’s out there, but let’s be real why would the legislature give the governor anything this early, with so much else left to play out this session?

·       [STL police takeover] With only Sen May as a problem, it won’t be that hard to get state control on the gov’s desk

·       [Utilities future test year] None of the above wasn’t an option. Seems there is no reason to push any of the listed issues toward passage and to the Governor’s desk before spring break.


Who Won the Week?

Mike Cierpiot – Clears a big hurdle by perfecting his huge utilities bill this week.

Brad Christ – Carrying the governor’s priority crime bill, he gets it out of the House and to the Senate early in session. 

Dirk Deaton – Draws a line in the sand with the Public Defenders Office and gets bipartisan support.

Dexter chicken farmers – Nab a powerful ally as AG Andrew Bailey asks to intervene in their suit against Tyson.

Joe Lakin – Exits the grind of politics to focus full-time on his digital ad firm.

Find a downloadable version here.


Remington/MOScout Poll

The MOScout poll will return next week.


Gubby Appts

Governor Mike Kehoe made two new appointments…

·       John G. Gromowsky, of Kansas City, was appointed as Associate Circuit Judge for Jackson County in the 16th Judicial Circuit.

·       Crystal McBrayer, of Kingston, was appointed as the Caldwell County Public Administrator.


$5K+ Contributions

YES for KC Kids - $10,000 from Navigate Building Solutions (Overland Park, KS).

Together KC - $15,000 from McCownGordon Construction.

A Brighter Future for St Louis PAC - $25,000 from Jerald L Kent.

Murphy for Mayor - $10,000 from Grant and Shannon Drewing.

Murphy for Mayor - $10,000 from Brock and Tammy Bukowsky.

Murphy for Mayor - $10,000 from George and Joan Pfenenger.

Murphy for Mayor - $10,000 from Eliah and Lindsey Drinkwitz.



Happy birthdays to Rep. Josh Hulbert.

Sunday: Rick Stream and Paula Brown.


MOScout Sunday6: NIH Funding - RFH and e-commerce Trends - Ag Needs Foreign Labor - Tariff Uncertainty and more…


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