MOScout Daily Update: Holsman Exits PSC - KC Stadium Talk - New Spencer Ads - Butz Kick-off - Luetky’s Next Gig and more…
Quick Friday update…
Holsman Exits PSC
At yesterday’s Public Service Commission meeting, Commissioner Jason Holsman announced that he’ll be leaving the Commission. He’s accepted a job with the Coalition for Community Solar Access (CCSA). He’ll be their Director of Government Affairs, covering Arizona, Georgia, Indiana, and Washington.
The change comes as the legislature is in the middle of a major regulatory overhaul of Missouri’s utilities.
What It Means
· Holsman’s term was set to expire next January. And Commissioner Maida Coleman is currently serving on an expired term. Governor Mike Kehoe will now have the ability to appoint two Democrats to the PSC.
· This gives Kehoe a chance to put his stamp on the Commission. But also, those are coveted spots, and even the possibility of appointment could help Kehoe if he’s arm-twisting a Dem on a tough vote.
Property Tax Relief First Step to Keeping Chiefs?
KCStar reports on the current state of efforts to keep the Chiefs and Royals on the Missouri side. Read it here. Key points…
· Crunch time - The spurt of new energy surrounding the future of the teams comes as the Missouri General Assembly approaches a key deadline — this week marks the final opportunity for lawmakers to introduce new legislation this year. With each passing day of the session, any legislative component aimed at keeping the teams in Missouri becomes more difficult both logistically and politically. At the same time, Kansas continues to offer an alluring option to the Royals and Chiefs in the form of a state law passed last year that authorizes state officials to approve publicly financing up to 70% of the cost of a new stadium for one or both teams.
· Jackson County Must Chip In - Sen. Barbara Washington, Thursday filed legislation would create a “Missouri Entertainment Facility - Capital Assistance Program.” The program would authorize Missouri to provide financial assistance for stadiums, similar to the Kansas program… While supportive of public funding for stadiums, Washington said that any stadium proposal would need to come from multiple sources. “It can’t just be money from the state,” she said. “Jackson County and the city are going to have to chip in as well to do this.”
· Jackson County Voters Want Prop Tax Changes - “We had a very productive discussion and we all understand that the citizens of Jackson County need property tax relief before they vote to keep the Chiefs at Arrowhead,” Missouri House Speaker Jonathan Patterson, a Lee’s Summit Republican, said after the meeting [with local lawmakers]. Patterson promised that lawmakers will debate legislation, likely next week, that would make Jackson County’s assessor — currently an appointed position — elected. The push comes amid intense outcry from homeowners after a dramatic increase in property assessments in 2023.
Pro-Spencer PAC Unleashes Digital Ads
A pro-Cara Spencer PAC added five spots to run “very, very heavily on streaming and digital services in the Saint Louis Mayor’s race.” They are all short, but punchy, hitting Mayor Tishuara Jones’ for traveling around the country while basics – snow removal, 911 calls, crime – go lacking. View them here.
Butz Talks Up County in Kick-off
Rep. Steve Butz acknowledged at his jam-packed kick-off last night that he was getting an early start on the race. The Senate 4 primary won’t be until August of 2026. Butz said that he needed to raise lots of money and corral lots of volunteers, so he wasn’t going to wait.
Butz demurred trying to thank every pol in the room, but rather singled out St. Louis City Collector of Revenue Gregg FX Daly as the very politician who reached out to meet with him in his very first race. And the Local 73 Firefighters who endorsed him in his first race (“because he wasn’t the other guy”).
· Interestingly, Butz took a fair amount of time talking about St. Louis County. He said the district is about 40% St. Louis County. And City folks need to be aware that St. Louis rises and falls together as one, and divisions only make St. Louis weaker.
Mosley Recounts Walton Family Success
On the Senate floor Thursday, Sen. Angela Mosley highlighted Black History Month by speaking about her father’s rise to becoming a political power-broker in St. Louis County.
His political legacy is unmatched, as seven members of his own family have been elected to public office, making them one of the most politically accomplished black families in Missouri history. Former State Rep. Edward A. Walton Jr., former State Rep. Juanita Head Walton, former State Rep. and County Councilwoman Rochelle Gray, former State Rep. Alan Gray, former State Rep. Jay Mosley who is my husband, and my daughter, current State Rep. Chanel Mosley, and me currently serving as State Senator Angela Mosley. Most families would be celebrated for this historic and groundbreaking political dynasty. Instead, they have been faced with hate and jealousy, a testament to the power, influence, and fearlessness Walton instilled in those he mentored and uplifted.
Luetkemeyer Lands
Politico Influence reports… Former Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer (R-Mo.), who was a senior member of the House Financial Services Committee before his retirement earlier this year, will be the new chief executive of American Consumer & Investor Institute, an advocacy group that represents consumer voices on issues related to the regulation of fintechs and cryptocurrency.
The group was launched in 2023 by Luetkemeyer’s fellow former House GOP colleague Barbara Comstock to improve financial literacy and push back on the Biden administration’s “paternalistic” efforts to introduce guardrails on the use of tech by financial platforms — overregulation the group said would undercut the democratization of personal finance tools thanks to technological advances like artificial intelligence.
Gubby appts
Governor Mike Kehoe made a few new appointments…
· Thaddus Dan Danford, and Bill Severn as members of the Missouri Western State University Board of Governors.
· James Kent Oberkrom as a member of the Board of Probation and Parole.
$5K+ Contributions
Progress PAC - $10,000 from Sheet Metal Workers Local 36.
YES for KC Kids - $100,000 from Health Forward Foundation.
Lobbyist Registrations
Jonathan Dalton added Veritext LLC, U.S. Legal Support Inc, Magna Legal Service LLC, and Esquire Deposition Solutions LLC.
Eapen Thampy added Holistic Alternatives Recovery Trust.
Happy birthdays to Rep. Steve Butz.