MOScout Daily Update: Casteel In Senate 22 Race - SB4 Yields New Plant - Senate Perfects Health Plan Bill - JP on Prop A - Kehoe Takeover Starts Now and more…

Senate 22 Talk: Casteel In

Rep. David Casteel will run for Senate 22 where Sen. Mary Elizabeth Coleman has said she won’t seek re-election.

In the hallways, there’s a sense that Jim Avery’s ability to raise money will make him the front-runner.  But Casteel brings some strengths to the race as well…

·       He’s in the game right now.  Avery is years removed from his previous legislative service and hasn’t door-knocked or worked retail politics in a long time. Casteel is just in his third year and has plenty of hustle in his bones.

·       Casteel will have enough money to compete.  He has built a couple of businesses and should have a network that can raise some substantial cash as well.

·       Axiom will be consulting for Casteel.  They run more races than anyone in Missouri and know how to put a plan together.


SB 4 Yields New Nodaway Plant

Maryville Forum reports that Evergy announced plans yesterday for the construction of a natural gas power plant.  Read it here.

·       According to filings with the Missouri Public Service Commission, Evergy plans for the simple-cycle natural gas plant to begin construction in the fourth quarter of 2026 or first quarter of 2027, and for it to be operational by Jan. 1, 2030…

·       During construction, Evergy estimates more than 200 construction jobs would be created with a mix of local and non-local workers that would ultimately be up to the selected construction contractor. Once the plant is up and running, the company estimates the creation of a minimum of five to 10 “permanent skilled craft jobs.”

·       In the news release, the company specifically pointed to Senate Bill 4 as a factor in deciding to build the plant…


Kehoe To Sign HB 495

Governor Mike Kehoe is scheduled to sign HB 495 this morning (10:45AM).  One of the key provisions is the takeover of the St. Louis police force. 

·         This starts the 90-day clock for the governor to appoint 4 commissioners to the new 5-member board overseeing the St. Louis City police force.


Senate Perfects SB 79

The Senate perfected SB 79 last night after a long debate and some compromise.  It allows the Farm Bureau to offer health plans (not insurance as defined in statute) to its members.  The idea is that it would be a less expensive alternative to conventional health insurance.

There was concern among some members that folks might sign up for the service not realizing its coverage was less comprehensive than traditional insurance plans.

·       The bill was carried by Sen. Kurtis Gregory.  It was a big lift, and a big accomplishment for the freshman senator.


Among the interesting debate pairings was Sens. Rusty Black and Stephen Webber.  In discussing school districts, the diversity of senatorial districts was apparent.  Webber represents 6 districts; Black represents 76.


JP on Prop A

Speaker Jon Patterson writes in the Kansas City Star defends the House’s recent action undoing part of the recently passed Proposition A.  Read it here.

·       The Missouri House of Representatives recently passed House Bill 567, sponsored by state Rep. Sherri Gallick of Cass County. This bill, if signed into law, would leave the $15 per hour minimum wage in place, but remove the paid sick leave mandates. Given the strong support that the proposition received, this was not something that was done without careful consideration… This change will result in employees being let go, companies going out of business, and will make businesses think twice about opening in or relocating to Missouri…

·       First, Prop A envisions that all employees will be able to use their sick time in minute-by-minute increments at the employee’s complete discretion… As a physician who has worked across many health care facilities, I know firsthand the chaos this will cause Missouri health care systems...

·       Secondly, Prop A adds a new crime to our statutes — the crime of not complying with Prop A. It states that any employer who “willfully” violates its mandates “shall be guilty of a Class C misdemeanor.” Who would be charged with the misdemeanor? The supervisor? The human resources director? The CEO? The owner of the company? Prop A is unclear on this, so nobody knows...


HB 200 Off Consent

Mister Speaker,

We, the undersigned, request that House Bill No. 200 be removed from the consent calendar today, 24 March 2025. Please reach out to our offices, if you have any questions.

Reps. Darin Chappell, Doug Clemens, Mazzie Christensen, Michael Davis, and Raychel Proudie.

·       HB 200, sponsored by Rep. Bill Falkner, changes some regulations for sewage tanks and soil-testing.  No one testified against it in committee, and it passed out unanimously.


House Ethics Hearing

The House Ethics Committee will be meeting this morning.  According to the posting, it’s related to the same complaint (25-01) that the committee previously met about.


Equality Caucus Approved

Dear Speaker of the House Jon Patterson,

In the spirit of the powerful caucuses that have paved the way for justice and equality, we write today to formally request the establishment of the Intersectional Equality Conference.

In response to recent Federal Executive Orders, Missouri State Executive Orders, and proposed Missouri State legislation that seek to undermine and marginalize immigrant and LGBTQIA+ communities in Missouri–while also attempting to erase diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts across our State departments and agencies–we are coming together as legislators committed to advocating for these communities. Our goal is to protect and advance the rights of those most at risk of harm.

We respectfully request formal recognition of this conference, which will be composed of Missouri legislators dedicated to fighting for the rights and well-being of marginalized identities in our state….

Reps. Wick Thomas, Co-Chair, Elizabeth Fuchs, Co-Chair, Jeff Hales, Secretary.

Reps. Mark Boyko, Gregg Bush, Steve Butz, Doug Clemens, Kimberly-Ann Collins, Aaron Crossley, Jeremy Dean, Jo Doll, Betsy Fogle, Michael Johnson, Nick Kimble, Pattie Mansur, Marty Joe Murray, Tiffany Price, Ray Reed, Tonya Rush, Kem Smith, Marla Smith, Connie Steinmetz, Kemp Strickler, Bridget Walsh Moore, Emily Weber, Jaclyn Zimmermann.


$5K+ Contributions

Jasper County 4 Kids - $15,000 from Children's Funding Accelerator, Inc. (Washington, DC).


Lobbyist Registrations

Brian Berlin added The Gordian Group, Inc.

Ron Berry and Cassandra Allana Henderson deleted Binti Inc.

Richard McIntosh deleted Carahsoft Technology Corp.



Happy birthdays to Madeline Romious, and Ed Smith.


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