Find the cross tabs from this week’s poll in the Special Reports here. Really the most interesting thing that I took away from it was in the top line numbers: the lack of consensus about what to do with the need to fund roads. While a small number of folks (9%) say “do nothing,” the rest of the voters are split between a gas tax, toll roads and cut from other parts of the budget.
Cutting other parts of the budget draws a third of the voters and one wonders how that would shrink if they were given specifics about what cuts would need to be made. The vague and abstract “budget” is easier to cut than specific programs like Parents as Teachers for example.
Tesla in Town
The Tesla folks are in town today, holding a reception tonight. There’s no anti-Tesla/poor MADA bill filed yet, so the Tesla lobbying team (Steve Tilley, Danny Pfeifer, Greg Porter, Alex Eaton, and Jac Cardetti) has been working to inoculate against the issue in case something pops up later. Their message to Republicans… the historic Republican supermajority wasn’t elected to impose new regulations to keep a business out of Missouri and limit consumer choice. The opposite: y’all ran on less government, more free market choices.
Onder Contra Lipstein
Sen. Bob Onder responses to BJC’s Steve Lipstein in a Post-Dispatch letter to the editor, suggesting that the hospitals should re-evaluate their support for Obamacare. Read it here.
Pull Quote: “Mr. Lipstein cites struggles of Missouri hospitals. Indeed, many hospitals were already struggling financially, and Obamacare’s Medicare and DSH cuts make things worse. Hospitals were major supporters of Obamacare; they agreed to these cuts because of Medicaid expansion, which the U.S. Supreme Court decided is optional for the states. Hospitals should join in the fight to repeal Obamacare, and in the process restore these cuts… Mr. Lipstein calls for ‘open minds.’ I would suggest he keep an open mind that the ACA might be part of the problem, not the solution.”
Republican Gov Race To Get Clearer… Or Not?
A tipster thinks we’ll be seeing an announcement from Auditor Tom Schweich about his intentions (he’s in?) sooner (this week?) rather than later about the 2016 gubernatorial race.
But additionally Eric Greitens’ name still surfaces from time to time as a potential third GOP candidate…
The Missouri Cable Telecommunication Association says it’s not their bill… “While it raises legitimate issues about taxpayer-funded enterprises, we take no position on the bill and the right of states to permit or condition municipal entry. Missouri cable operators will continue to focus on building robust broadband networks that provide consumers with an increasingly faster and reliable Internet experience.”
Once More With Feeling
Wednesday it starts again… At 3pm in the Senate Lounge, the Senate Education will start hearing its education bills. It was one of the major lifts of last session, dealing with the failing districts and transfer law, only to be vetoed by Governor Jay Nixon.
In the $5K+ Contributions (below) it looks like actor John Goodman (aka Walter Sobchak) contributed $25K to Kevin O’Leary, the Democratic candidate in St. Louis County Council race.
On the Senate website, Paul Davis has joined the staff of District 14 (Sen. Maria Chappelle-Nadal).
The Missouri Ethics Commission fined Dr. Scott Springston $1,000, finding that the Park Hill School District used public funds with regard to a ballot issue. See the consent order here.
On Casenet, The Missouri Ethics Commission has sued former St. Louis Mayor Freeman Bosley. Case #15AC-AC00066.
Former DNR staffer bemoans the Nixon administration’s bunker mentality policy of information concealment. Read it here.
Raise Your Hand for Kids (tobacco tax for early childhood education) wraps up its community conversation tour next week in Kirksville and will release a report that encapsulates the key findings from each meeting in February. Tour stops so far include Columbia, St. Joseph, St. Louis, Kansas City, Poplar Bluff, Cape Girardeau, Branson, West Plains, Springfield, and Joplin.
House Research Division seeks a Drafting Services Attorney. “This position is responsible for drafting and analyzing legislation and other documents, preparing legal and policy research and assisting Members of the House with lawmaking duties. This Position requires strong oral and written communication skills with experience in education and/or labor law preferred. Position will be assigned other areas of concentration as needed… Starting salary begins at $3,911 per month. Salary commensurate with applicable education and experience.” See the ad here.
Today’s Events
From Mary Scruggs’ indispensable events calendar:
Rep. Mike Colona Reception – Bone’s, Jeffersont City – 5:30-7:30 p.m.
Lobbyists Registration Changes
Randall Allen added Missouri Economic Development Council.
John Bardgett and Jacqueline Bardgett added Missourians for Compassionate Care.
Sarah Felts added Missouri Nurse Association.
James Bowers Jr added The Little General Store, Srinivas R. Nalamachu MD, and New Mark Care Center.
Quintin Hull added Hull LLC, The Giddens Group, Lilly USA, and Metropolitan Community College.
Aaron March added Bennett Packaging & Displays.
Patricia Jensen added Stephen & Barbara Mitchell, Northtowne Automotive LLC, and Justin & Vanessa Gross.
$5K+ Contributions
Civic Progress Action Committee - $7,500 from Centene Management Company LLC.
Citizens for Kevin O’Leary - $25,000 from John Goodman.
Citizens for Steve Stenger - $7,500 from Drury Development.
Friends of Rick Stream - $7,500 from Dempsey for Missouri.
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Monday, January 26, 2015
Poll Cross Tabs
Find the cross tabs from this week’s poll in the Special Reports here. Really the most interesting thing that I took away from it was in the top line numbers: the lack of consensus about what to do with the need to fund roads. While a small number of folks (9%) say “do nothing,” the rest of the voters are split between a gas tax, toll roads and cut from other parts of the budget.
Cutting other parts of the budget draws a third of the voters and one wonders how that would shrink if they were given specifics about what cuts would need to be made. The vague and abstract “budget” is easier to cut than specific programs like Parents as Teachers for example.
Tesla in Town
The Tesla folks are in town today, holding a reception tonight. There’s no anti-Tesla/poor MADA bill filed yet, so the Tesla lobbying team (Steve Tilley, Danny Pfeifer, Greg Porter, Alex Eaton, and Jac Cardetti) has been working to inoculate against the issue in case something pops up later. Their message to Republicans… the historic Republican supermajority wasn’t elected to impose new regulations to keep a business out of Missouri and limit consumer choice. The opposite: y’all ran on less government, more free market choices.
Onder Contra Lipstein
Sen. Bob Onder responses to BJC’s Steve Lipstein in a Post-Dispatch letter to the editor, suggesting that the hospitals should re-evaluate their support for Obamacare. Read it here.
Pull Quote: “Mr. Lipstein cites struggles of Missouri hospitals. Indeed, many hospitals were already struggling financially, and Obamacare’s Medicare and DSH cuts make things worse. Hospitals were major supporters of Obamacare; they agreed to these cuts because of Medicaid expansion, which the U.S. Supreme Court decided is optional for the states. Hospitals should join in the fight to repeal Obamacare, and in the process restore these cuts… Mr. Lipstein calls for ‘open minds.’ I would suggest he keep an open mind that the ACA might be part of the problem, not the solution.”
Republican Gov Race To Get Clearer… Or Not?
A tipster thinks we’ll be seeing an announcement from Auditor Tom Schweich about his intentions (he’s in?) sooner (this week?) rather than later about the 2016 gubernatorial race.
But additionally Eric Greitens’ name still surfaces from time to time as a potential third GOP candidate…
Miller, Schaefer File Broadband Bill
Raising eyebrows in the telecom community is Rep. Rocky Miller’s HB 437 which would require a vote from a municipality before it can offer broadband service, if someone’s already serving the market. Sen. Kurt Schaefer has filed a similar bill on the Senate side.
The Missouri Cable Telecommunication Association says it’s not their bill… “While it raises legitimate issues about taxpayer-funded enterprises, we take no position on the bill and the right of states to permit or condition municipal entry. Missouri cable operators will continue to focus on building robust broadband networks that provide consumers with an increasingly faster and reliable Internet experience.”
Once More With Feeling
Wednesday it starts again… At 3pm in the Senate Lounge, the Senate Education will start hearing its education bills. It was one of the major lifts of last session, dealing with the failing districts and transfer law, only to be vetoed by Governor Jay Nixon.
In the $5K+ Contributions (below) it looks like actor John Goodman (aka Walter Sobchak) contributed $25K to Kevin O’Leary, the Democratic candidate in St. Louis County Council race.
On the Senate website, Paul Davis has joined the staff of District 14 (Sen. Maria Chappelle-Nadal).
The Missouri Ethics Commission fined Dr. Scott Springston $1,000, finding that the Park Hill School District used public funds with regard to a ballot issue. See the consent order here.
On Casenet, The Missouri Ethics Commission has sued former St. Louis Mayor Freeman Bosley. Case #15AC-AC00066.
Former DNR staffer bemoans the Nixon administration’s bunker mentality policy of information concealment. Read it here.
Raise Your Hand for Kids (tobacco tax for early childhood education) wraps up its community conversation tour next week in Kirksville and will release a report that encapsulates the key findings from each meeting in February. Tour stops so far include Columbia, St. Joseph, St. Louis, Kansas City, Poplar Bluff, Cape Girardeau, Branson, West Plains, Springfield, and Joplin.
Politico on the rise of PAC scams…. Read it here.
Help Wanted
House Research Division seeks a Drafting Services Attorney. “This position is responsible for drafting and analyzing legislation and other documents, preparing legal and policy research and assisting Members of the House with lawmaking duties. This Position requires strong oral and written communication skills with experience in education and/or labor law preferred. Position will be assigned other areas of concentration as needed… Starting salary begins at $3,911 per month. Salary commensurate with applicable education and experience.” See the ad here.
Today’s Events
From Mary Scruggs’ indispensable events calendar:
Rep. Mike Colona Reception – Bone’s, Jeffersont City – 5:30-7:30 p.m.
Lobbyists Registration Changes
Randall Allen added Missouri Economic Development Council.
John Bardgett and Jacqueline Bardgett added Missourians for Compassionate Care.
Sarah Felts added Missouri Nurse Association.
James Bowers Jr added The Little General Store, Srinivas R. Nalamachu MD, and New Mark Care Center.
Quintin Hull added Hull LLC, The Giddens Group, Lilly USA, and Metropolitan Community College.
Aaron March added Bennett Packaging & Displays.
Patricia Jensen added Stephen & Barbara Mitchell, Northtowne Automotive LLC, and Justin & Vanessa Gross.
$5K+ Contributions
Civic Progress Action Committee - $7,500 from Centene Management Company LLC.
Citizens for Kevin O’Leary - $25,000 from John Goodman.
Citizens for Steve Stenger - $7,500 from Drury Development.
Friends of Rick Stream - $7,500 from Dempsey for Missouri.
Happy birthday to Ken Franklin (39).
Tuesday, January 27, 2015
MOScout Weekly Poll - SOTS