A very credible rumor is circulating that the appellate commission is revising their redistricting map for state senate lines. House districts are unaffected. The old maps were pulled from the Office of Administration’s website.
Apparently stung by criticism that they failed to follow the constitutional provision for keeping counties intact, the appellate commission’s revised senate map will correct that aspect. According to one observer, the problem should be fixable without affecting most of the other senate districts across the state.
Senate 21 and Senate 31 – and their immediate neighbors – are thought to be most affected the map change.
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Friday, December 9, 2011
A very credible rumor is circulating that the appellate commission is revising their redistricting map for state senate lines. House districts are unaffected. The old maps were pulled from the Office of Administration’s website.
Apparently stung by criticism that they failed to follow the constitutional provision for keeping counties intact, the appellate commission’s revised senate map will correct that aspect. According to one observer, the problem should be fixable without affecting most of the other senate districts across the state.
Senate 21 and Senate 31 – and their immediate neighbors – are thought to be most affected the map change.
We will see. Full analysis on Monday…
Monday, December 12, 2011
Thursday, December 8, 2011