MOScout Daily Update: GOP Changing? - Vince Contra Rex - CC Backs Justice and more...

Changing GOP?

Realignment is gripping the Republican Party as a result of the Trump presidency.  Wall Street Journal – with a quote from Sen. Josh Hawley – reports….

Nearly three years into Mr. Trump’s presidency, the Republican Party is about the same size as before, Journal/NBC News polling finds. Some 36% of voters have called themselves Republicans this year, compared with a consistent 37% last year, in 2016 and in 2012.

But the composition of the party has changed, relying more heavily on voters without a bachelor’s degree, often called working-class voters

Sen. Josh Hawley (R., Mo.), elected in 2018, said that in electing Mr. Trump, voters were rebelling against a U.S.-led “new world order” as outlined by former President George H.W. Bush ahead of the first Gulf War against Iraq, and against a “new world trading order” that had given China access to U.S. markets on favorable terms…

Amid these changes, some GOP leaders say the party has divided… This division shows up among GOP voters when they are asked how they describe themselves—as Republicans who support Mr. Trump more than the party itself, or as those who support the party more than they do Mr. Trump.

The most ardent Trump supporters agree with Mr. Trump’s restrictive positions on immigration and his opposition to efforts to address climate change, among other policies. The party-supporting Republicans believe immigration helps the nation and that near-term action to fight climate change is needed.

If support for impeachment grows among Republicans, it will likely be among the party-supporting group, Journal/NBC News polling suggests. Some 39% of that cohort support Congress’s impeachment inquiry or believe enough evidence already exists to merit impeachment, compared with 4% of the most ardent Trump-supporting group….

What It Means

There’s some debate whether the Grand Old Party will revert to its former self after Trump leaves office, or if this is a continuing shift that will play out over the next few decades. 

The downside for Democrats is that it’s making the rural areas iron-clad for Republicans.  But the upside is that college communities like Columbia and Springfield could come back into play for them.


Conservative Caucus Hearts Justice

From the in-box: The Conservative Caucus doesn't want there to be confusion on the Senate 25 race. Eddy Justice is our candidate in that primary and this is because his values align with ours. He is a long time conservative who has engaged in the arena and promoted good governance. We hope to promote solutions for today's issues based on limited government and conservative fiscal policy.  We will be supporting him in the upcoming primary.


Vince Contra Rex?

On twitter, Former St. Louis City mayor Vince Schoemehl reacts to news that St. Louis County Port Authority is considering commissioning their own study of airport privatization.

Thank God someone is paying attention. Left to current flow of events Rex, Inc. will walk off with the airport. BTW, he now owns STL’s Hyperloop interests. Rex, Inc. hired the guyn from RCGA who was working it. Now Rex is our official voice. Feel better?


Rex, Inc. knows their craft. Steal the most valuable things first.


eMailbag on Foster to AG’s Office

Josh Foster has been a caucus staffer in charge of gubernatorial appointments for a few years since he left Emery’s office (hired by Ron Richard, retained by Schatz). He was really good at it and we're happy for him to have the new opportunity.


eMailbag on Senate 15

[Deb] Lavender reminds me of a [Jill] Schupp style candidate - one with deep community support from years and years of local involvement and campaigns. [Andrew]Koenig may get a money match from the senate fund but do you think that there's a greater value for dollars that are raised locally where people feel vested and will talk to neighbors etc?


eMailbag on SOS Deathblow MNEA Summary Language

The legislature can already raise taxes up to approx. $100M annually to fund anything they want, including public schools.


New IPs

Deirdre Hirner filed another marijuana initiative petition.  See it here.


New Committees

John Boyd formed a candidate committee (Boyd For Missouri) to run for House 37.  He ran last time losing to incumbent Rep. Joe Runions (60-40).  Democrat Runions is term limited.


Lobbyist Registrations

Jacqueline Bardgett, Ericka Leonard, and John Parris added Missouri Automobile Dealers Association/

Health Clarkston, Doug Nelson, and Kurt Schaefer added Tria Health.

Blake Murray added Missouri Society of Professional Engineers.

James Harris deleted Missouri Automobile Dealers Association.

Kevin Masters deleted Renaissance Management & Training Solutions LLP, Leroy Allen Fine Art, and EML LLC.



Happy birthdays to Derek Ramsay, Stephen Nittler, Jay Swearingen, and David Kent.


MOScout Daily Update: New Galloway Campaign Manager - Human Agency Poll: GOP Leads - Merideth Shakes Fist at Schmitt - Watching $$$ in Senate 25 and more...


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