From what I can tell, Missouri Republican candidates in primary situations have been unmoved by the most recent allegations of wrongdoing by President Donald Trump. They’re stickin’ with their president. One Republican consultant says that candidates are even fearful of sounding too nuanced. “It’s the kiss of death if folks think [your support is too mild].”
This is not necessarily true of every Republican. On FacebookMitchell Davis declares he’s backing Biden. “It’s time we bring honor and decency back to the White House.” Davis was a staffer for former Se. Rob Mayer, and former treasurer for Rep. Jeff Shawan.
BOOM! KC Tax Set for 23% Hike
KCStar reports that “following the insistence of charter school leaders and some outspoken civic groups, the Kansas City school board on Wednesday voted unanimously to keep the district’s property tax rate as is. As a result, because of Jackson County’s messy reappraisal that caused a huge jump in the value of many homes, property owners are expected to pay 23% more on average in school taxes in the coming year. Members of the board blamed “a failure of leadership” at the county level for any financial impact on families… Board members said their decision was a difficult one, but the district can’t afford to reduce the levy without hurting students. They said they are only trying to make up for low tax revenues during the Great Recession…”
What It Means
This will likely add fuel to the concerns of the Republican majority in Jefferson City. They have been increasing their scrutiny of the rise in local taxes.
Driving the Night: Campaign Kick Offs….
· Sen. Caleb Rowden kicks off his re-election tonight at the Atrium in downtown Columbia… Rep. Jack Bondon kicks off his Senate 31 bid at Peculiar Winery.
· And Rep. Greg Razer kicks off at Ollie’s Local in Kansas City. He’s running to succeed Sen. Jason Holsman in Senate 7.
Why The Crunch?
· Thursdays are a popular fundraiser night. It doesn’t conflict with weekend plans of donors, but not in the middle of the work week so you can still get them out.
· And we’re days away from the end of the fundraising quarter.
PAC $$$ So Far This Quarter
Ahead of the September 30 deadline. Here’s how much some of the largest Independent PACs have raised this quarter in large contributions…
· The pro- Mike Parson Uniting Missouri has raised over $825K
· The pro-Eric Schmitt PAC MO Opportunity has raised at least $375K
· The pro-Nicole Galloway PAC Keep Government Accountable has raised over $250K
Helms Gets Challenger
In the new committees (below), Democrats appear to have recruited someone to run against Rep. Steve Helms. This Springfield seat was a target of theirs last cycle. Helms held 53%-47%.
Politico reports that Congressman Blaine Luetkemeyer is supporting the latest effort to help medical marijuana find banking services.
He voted against the bill in committee and opposes recreational marijuana but has been trying to pass anti-“Choke Point” legislation for years. Luetkemeyer isn’t convinced that the underlying legislation will resolve the cannabis industry's problems in accessing financial services. But he'll take the win. Like other lawmakers, he's also well aware of the potential medicinal benefits. His granddaughter has seizure problems, and a cannabis product known as cannabidiol, or CBD, is used to treat epilepsy. “Sometimes you weigh the good and the bad in a bill and you find there is more good than there is bad,” he said.
· No surprise here…. “Missouri Right to Life State Political Action Committee is pleased to give a single endorsement to Mike Parson for Governor for the 2020 elections. This endorsement represents our selection of Mike as the candidate who has a proven record and has consistently worked for the protection of innocent human lives.”
· No word that MO is considering anything similar…. “Declaring a public health emergency, Gov. Charlie Baker Tuesday called for a four-month ban on all sales of e-cigarette and vaping products in Massachusetts amid the nationwide outbreak of a lung illness associated with the devices.”See it here.
· Three more state representatives have signed on to take Empower Missouri’s SNAP challenge. They are: Reps. Ann Kelley, Sarah Unsicker, and Wiley Price.
eMailbag on Hawley
Another aspect of Hawley raising money off possible impeachment: just how does a contribution to Hawley's campaign, when he's not even up until the last year of the next presidential administration, impact Trump's possible impeachment? Almost everybody does this kind of stuff, but it further separates actual policy impact from political activity.
New Committees
Elizabeth Fogle formed a candidate committee (Fogle For Missouri) to run for House 135 as a Democrat. The current incumbent is Republican Rep. Steve Helms.
American Property Casualty Insurance Association Political Account - $33442 from American Property Casualty Insurance Association.
Happy birthdays to Sen. Lauren Arthur, Rep. Justin Hill, Walt Bivins, Penny Hubbard, and Mike Reid.
Subscribe today for Missouri’s best source for political intelligence and analysis. Subscribe
MOScout Daily Update: GOP Stickin' - Parson PAC at $875K for Quarter - KC Taxes Set to Rise and more...
From what I can tell, Missouri Republican candidates in primary situations have been unmoved by the most recent allegations of wrongdoing by President Donald Trump. They’re stickin’ with their president. One Republican consultant says that candidates are even fearful of sounding too nuanced. “It’s the kiss of death if folks think [your support is too mild].”
This is not necessarily true of every Republican. On Facebook Mitchell Davis declares he’s backing Biden. “It’s time we bring honor and decency back to the White House.” Davis was a staffer for former Se. Rob Mayer, and former treasurer for Rep. Jeff Shawan.
BOOM! KC Tax Set for 23% Hike
KCStar reports that “following the insistence of charter school leaders and some outspoken civic groups, the Kansas City school board on Wednesday voted unanimously to keep the district’s property tax rate as is. As a result, because of Jackson County’s messy reappraisal that caused a huge jump in the value of many homes, property owners are expected to pay 23% more on average in school taxes in the coming year. Members of the board blamed “a failure of leadership” at the county level for any financial impact on families… Board members said their decision was a difficult one, but the district can’t afford to reduce the levy without hurting students. They said they are only trying to make up for low tax revenues during the Great Recession…”
What It Means
This will likely add fuel to the concerns of the Republican majority in Jefferson City. They have been increasing their scrutiny of the rise in local taxes.
Driving the Night: Campaign Kick Offs….
· Sen. Caleb Rowden kicks off his re-election tonight at the Atrium in downtown Columbia… Rep. Jack Bondon kicks off his Senate 31 bid at Peculiar Winery.
· And Rep. Greg Razer kicks off at Ollie’s Local in Kansas City. He’s running to succeed Sen. Jason Holsman in Senate 7.
Why The Crunch?
· Thursdays are a popular fundraiser night. It doesn’t conflict with weekend plans of donors, but not in the middle of the work week so you can still get them out.
· And we’re days away from the end of the fundraising quarter.
PAC $$$ So Far This Quarter
Ahead of the September 30 deadline. Here’s how much some of the largest Independent PACs have raised this quarter in large contributions…
· The pro- Mike Parson Uniting Missouri has raised over $825K
· The pro-Eric Schmitt PAC MO Opportunity has raised at least $375K
· The pro-Nicole Galloway PAC Keep Government Accountable has raised over $250K
Helms Gets Challenger
In the new committees (below), Democrats appear to have recruited someone to run against Rep. Steve Helms. This Springfield seat was a target of theirs last cycle. Helms held 53%-47%.
Follow Betsy Fogle on twitter here.
Luetky Supports MJ Safe Banking Act
Politico reports that Congressman Blaine Luetkemeyer is supporting the latest effort to help medical marijuana find banking services.
He voted against the bill in committee and opposes recreational marijuana but has been trying to pass anti-“Choke Point” legislation for years. Luetkemeyer isn’t convinced that the underlying legislation will resolve the cannabis industry's problems in accessing financial services. But he'll take the win. Like other lawmakers, he's also well aware of the potential medicinal benefits. His granddaughter has seizure problems, and a cannabis product known as cannabidiol, or CBD, is used to treat epilepsy. “Sometimes you weigh the good and the bad in a bill and you find there is more good than there is bad,” he said.
· No surprise here…. “Missouri Right to Life State Political Action Committee is pleased to give a single endorsement to Mike Parson for Governor for the 2020 elections. This endorsement represents our selection of Mike as the candidate who has a proven record and has consistently worked for the protection of innocent human lives.”
· No word that MO is considering anything similar…. “Declaring a public health emergency, Gov. Charlie Baker Tuesday called for a four-month ban on all sales of e-cigarette and vaping products in Massachusetts amid the nationwide outbreak of a lung illness associated with the devices.” See it here.
· Three more state representatives have signed on to take Empower Missouri’s SNAP challenge. They are: Reps. Ann Kelley, Sarah Unsicker, and Wiley Price.
eMailbag on Hawley
Another aspect of Hawley raising money off possible impeachment: just how does a contribution to Hawley's campaign, when he's not even up until the last year of the next presidential administration, impact Trump's possible impeachment? Almost everybody does this kind of stuff, but it further separates actual policy impact from political activity.
New Committees
Elizabeth Fogle formed a candidate committee (Fogle For Missouri) to run for House 135 as a Democrat. The current incumbent is Republican Rep. Steve Helms.
American Property Casualty Insurance Association Political Account - $33442 from American Property Casualty Insurance Association.
Happy birthdays to Sen. Lauren Arthur, Rep. Justin Hill, Walt Bivins, Penny Hubbard, and Mike Reid.
MOScout Daily Update: Blunt Keeps Powder Dry - Galloway PAC Adds $100K - Kick-offs and more...
MOScout Daily Update: Hall to Leave PSC - Hawley Raises $$$ On Impeachment - Curtis' Piggy Bank and more...