MOScout Sunday6: Imagining A 5-Party America - Too Many Taxing Districts - Trump Crushed Immigration - Boring Car Colors and more...

Spending on this election broke records.

In case you were wondering, Missouri gets just the right number of electoral votes.

Imagining if the United States had multiple political parties…

GOP dominance of MO legislature continues.

NYTimes looks at COVID restrictions across the 50 states. This is mask mandates.

Missouri’s in the red zone when it comes to taxing districts.

Marijuana across America.

Missouri ranks #12 as best for veterans in America.

The K-shaped recovery.

“This brings the annualized legal immigration rate from abroad to 0.03 percent of the U.S. population. This is the lowest rate of immigration except for three years during World War II and one year during the Great Depression.  The 92 percent drop in the second half of FY 2020 is larger than the drop during any single year in American history…”

Perception of the economy becoming partisan (like everything else)?

Car colors getting more boring?


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