MOScout Daily Update: Vaccine Website - Why Koenig Won - COVID Death Tally and more...

Vaccine Website

Governor Mike Parson announced a new website, to give Missourians facts about COVID vaccinations.

See it here.

Choice is a powerful thing. We recognize the tremendous impact COVID-19 has had on our communities. You have the choice to help our society shape our new path forward beyond COVID-19. Here, we put the facts in front of you so you can make an informed choice.


Update on Dashboard’s Misleading Death Tallies

I’ve written before that the state’s COVID dashboard understates the number of deaths currently occurring and whether deaths are climbing or declining.  Because of the lag in reporting the death totals the dashboard presents “during the last seven days” are pretty much gobbley-gook.

For example, one month ago on October 26, the dashboard said there had been 65 people who died or COVID in the preceding 7 days.  Now using state data, we can tally that during those 7 days, at least 216 died.  And although the dashboard claimed at the time that deaths were falling by 38%, deaths were actually rising – by 26%.

Yesterday the dashboard said deaths were falling by 42%.  That number has such little relationship to reality, it’s meaningless.  The dashboard – because of the reporting lag – will almost always show deaths falling regardless of what’s happening in the real world.


Why Koenig Won

MOScout reader weighs in on Sen. Andrew Koenig’s re-election win…

·         First, Koenig works incredibly hard and knocked over 60,000 doors.  You can’t beat his work ethic and he remained very disciplined with the messaging and did not allow this to become a debate about "abortion."

·         Most importantly however was the role Steve Michael (VP of Political Operations with Victory Enterprises) played.  Steve is original from the Manchester are and lived in Kirkwood for years. He is well versed in St. Louis County and was responsible for running Koenig's first senate race against Rick Stream.  This is Steve's second upset win with Koenig--he quarterbacked both races.

·         The messaging worked. Despite all the grief Koenig's ads received from the lobbyist talking-class his ads worked and cut through… Tracking numbers [after] the "bad soap opera" ad showed it worked with young families and suburban women.  It cut through the millions being spent and led to him outperforming even Ann Wagner in the district.  [It] targeted economically insecure voters, and group Republicans have historically ignored, and it yielded dividends for Koenig.

·         Credit belongs to Koenig, Michael and his team at Victory Enterprises, and the incredible Koenig Campaign Staff led by Casey Burns for securing a win in a race that was labeled most likely to flip by every observer in the state prior to the final week. 


Casas Spotlight

Martin Casas, husband to lobbyist Kate Casas, is spotlighted by the Wall Street Journal and Facebook as a small business owner who pivoted during the pandemic. 
See it here.


$5K+ Contributions

UAW Region 5 Midwest States Political Action Committee (PAC) (MO) - $6,000 from UAW Region 4 Exchange Account.

Missouri Senate Campaign Committee - $10,000 from QC Holdings Inc.


Lobbyists Registrations

James Harris added Cicero Action.



Happy birthday to Bill Deeken.

Thanksgiving: Jane Dueker.
Friday: Ward Cook.

Saturday: Jeff Messenger, Ed Schieffer, and Lenny Jones.
Sunday: Mike Berskoetter and Joe Don McGaugh.


MOScout Schedule

I’m taking off.  Happy Thanksgiving. See you on Monday!


MOScout Daily Update: New Transportation Effort - Gross Forms PAC - Helms Files Committee - Koenig to Pre-file Anti-Shutdown Bill and more...


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