MOScout Daily Update: New Transportation Effort - Gross Forms PAC - Helms Files Committee - Koenig to Pre-file Anti-Shutdown Bill and more...

Coming: Renewed Push for Transportation Funding

Look for a new effort to increase the state’s transportation funding.  Two years ago, voters rejected Proposition D, a gas tax proposal.  46% voted in favor and 53% against.

Still, there’s some optimism that with a longer “education campaign,” voters would be more amenable.

Early characteristics of the proposal:

·         Gas tax.  Voters tend to be more favorable to a “user-type” tax than an unrelated broad-based tax like a sales tax.

·         Phased in.  The long-term funding stream would phased-in over a number of years to avoid the immediate sticker shock at the pump.

·         Some electric component.  With an eye to the increasing market share being gained by electric vehicles, a tax on charging could be included to assure long-term stability.

·         Possible rebate.  One idea being discussed is a rebate available to some Missourians to off-set the cost of the tax.


Among voters in Missouri, there’s a solid bloc who will vote No on any tax increase.  That greatly narrows the margin for error of any campaign.

Among politicians, many are wary of going on the record for a tax increase.  It makes them more vulnerable to an attack ad from their right flank.


·         The stakes are high.  Many see Missouri’s position in the center of the country as a competitive advantage to attract more businesses and grow the state’s economy.  But there needs to be a strong transportation infrastructure to capitalize on it.

·         Even small government types accept that maintaining roads is a proper function of government and necessary for the welfare of society.


Koenig To Preview Pre-Filed Bill

Sen. Andrew Koenig, on Twitter, announced that he and other St. Louis County legislators will be holding a press conference tomorrow morning.  They’ll be talking about “unlawful restrictions” which use “small businesses as a scapegoat for this pandemic.”

Koenig also says he’ll be pre-filing legislation to “push back” against the restrictions.

What It Means

This issue is shaping up to be one of the hottest items in the next legislative session.  Governor Mike Parson has sided with local authorities to implement restrictions that they see fit.  But conservatives are itching for a showdown with rules they consider overly oppressive.

·         One problem for legislators: legislation takes time.  With the vaccine distribution slated for this Spring, this may be a moot issue by the time something makes it to the governor’s desk.


Helms Seeks Rematch?

Rep. Steve Helms, the only incumbent to lose re-election earlier this month, filed paperwork (see it here) to run again for his seat, House 135.  Helms formed a campaign committee to run in 2022.

Helms lost 34 votes (.2%) to Democrat Betsy Fogle.  However, 2022 might be ripe for a rematch.  It’s expected to be a tougher environment for Dems as the conventional wisdom predicts that the party which holds the White House suffers during midterm elections. 

Still, the maneuver could simply be a place to put remaining campaign funds while he decides. In the large contributions (below) it appears that Helms is rolling over his leftover money ($11K) into the new committee.  In other words: we’ll see.


Gross Forms PAC

Elad Gross formed a political action committee, Take Back Missouri PAC.  See the paperwork here.

Gross ran unsuccessfully for attorney general this year, losing in the Democratic primary to Rich Finneran.  Gross was credited by many Democratic stalwarts for running an energetic campaign all across Missouri.

See Gross’ website here.


IE PACs List Updated

Find the updated list of independent expenditure PACs here. 

·         Newly added: MO Values PAC (Ben Baker).


MEC: You Can’t Appoint Your SIL to City Council

The Missouri Ethics Commission issued an opinion saying that “Article VII, Section 6, of the Missouri Constitution (the nepotism clause) prohibits an elected official from appointing his brother’s wife to a public office.”

The particular question came from a mayor looking to appoint “his” brother’s wife to city council

See the opinion here.


Readers Congtinue to Mull Koenig Victory

Lololol Bruised egos and now the fight for credit in the Koenig race?.. People miss that the strategy was for Koenig to be underestimated.  By the way, it is always his strategy.  Look at all his races he excels at being the underdog. As for Casey, she is a professional who went on the Koenig train after being ousted from HRCC and probably many thought that train would crash and burn.  They were wrong…


Whichever sunshine pumper sent you their analysis of Koenigs win fails to mention the bad soap opera ad didn’t have enough points behind it to be seen by that many people. It played to less than 1000GRP Koenig won because:

1. Koenig knocked doors

2. Deb didn’t knock doors

3. MSCC/Freedoms promise ripped Deb’s head off with a message that worked


I would certainly not discount that Sen. Koening worked hard and that his campaign was well-run.  But the surge of infrequent voters for Trump that was seen not just in Missouri but other red/pink states is responsible for unexpected showing for the GOP in those states (as is the lack of a presidential campaign effort by Democrats in those states).  I don't know if the data will ultimately show this but perhaps yes the suburban women showed up but so did many of their husbands this time….


Seriously folks need to stop referring to Koenig’s win as an “upset”.  He won that district by 23 in 2016 and now 10 in 2020. Its not an upset!


Atons Running Springfield

The Anton brothers are running for elected office in Springfield this spring.

·         Marcus Anton is running for mayor.  See his website here.  Slogan: “Goodbye to the good ol’ boys”

·         And brother, Alexander Anton, is running for city council.  See his website here.


$5K+ Contributions

CLEAN Missouri - $143,766 from MOVE Action.

Democratic Association of Secretaries of State - $32,793 from Democratic Association of Secretaries of State.

Friends of Steve Helms - $11,285 from Friends of Steve Helms.

Make Liberty Win-Federal Committee - $5,366 from Make Liberty Win.


Lobbyists Registrations

Jonathan Dalton added Missouri Association of County Auditors.

David Winton and Jessica Petrie added Kids Win Missouri and deleted American Heart Association.

Henrio Thelemaque deleted American Heart Association.

Candice Doenges deleted Lance Griffith.



Happy birthdays to Alison Gee, and Lara Granich.


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