MOScout Daily Update: MO GA Eyes April 27 Return - RGA Partners with Uniting MO - STL To Extend Stay-At-Home Order? and more...

Legislature Plans To Reconvene

Senate Floor Leader Caleb Rowden announced on Twitter (see it here) that the General Assembly was planning to reconvene in two weeks.

“#MOLeg is tentatively planning to return to regular session on Monday, April 27th. House and Senate leadership will have a full statement with additional information in the next 24 hours. We will continue to work toward finding the right balance between protecting the safety of #MOLeg members, staff and the public and understanding the critical nature of the work we have been elected to do for the people of Missouri. We believe both are possible!”

That will give them three weeks before the end of regular session.

Instant Reaction

Staffer: “To work on bills. Budget likely to come during a special session.”

Lobbyist: “Leadership is trying to figure out what is doable. Any bills that bring a filibuster seem insurmountable.”

Legislator: “boneheaded IMHO”

What It Means

·         First of all – three weeks is plenty of time to get a lot of stuff done in a normal legislative setting.  The final three weeks is when the bulk of items get passed.

·         But – as the coronavirus is still a danger to health and safety – it’s unclear what these three weeks will look like.  How the legislative process will be hampered by social distancing.  That’s the real constraint on action.

·         The tort reform bill and the prescription monitoring drug program are expected to be at the top of the shirt list of priorities.  They’ve both made it through the Senate gauntlet and the House should be able to make short work of them.

·         During this time of quarantine, chatter has picked up about passing the Wayfair language.  I’d bet that a compromise will be found on it.

·         Other issues where the parties are farther away – like the sports betting / gray machines – will be punted to next year.

·         Lobbyists are likely drawing up their plans to present to leadership for their clients’ priorities.  “Here’s where the bill is, here’s the language that these parties have agreed to, here’s how many votes it needs, and how much floor time.”

·         This three-week session may be more planned, and coordinated than usual.  Items that are ailed down and can be executed will get the nod.


House Minority Leader Crystal Quade asks the Republican leadership to be prudent.

“One of the many lessons the COVID-19 pandemic has taught us is plans must be flexible in a rapidly changing situation. As a result, legislative leaders must be cautious about whether it will be safe for lawmakers to return to the Capitol on April 27 and willing to reverse course if it is not.  Two weeks is a long time during a pandemic, and we have no way of knowing what conditions will be like two weeks from now. A final decision to resume the legislative session cannot be based on wishful speculation on what will be, only on firm knowledge of what is. Anything less puts lives unnecessarily at risk.”


RGA Partners With Uniting Missouri PAC

The bulk of that $550,000 that the Republican Governors Association dropped into its Missouri committee a week ago is apparently headed to the pro-Mike Parson Uniting Missouri PAC.

Press release: RGA Missouri 2020 PAC, an organization affiliated with the Republican Governors Association (RGA), is partnering with Uniting Missouri PAC ahead of the state’s upcoming gubernatorial election. The groups’ efforts will focus on supporting Governor Mike Parson for election to a full term in November…To ensure robust resources are available to secure a Republican victory in November, RGA Missouri 2020 PAC made an initial transfer of $500,000 to Uniting Missouri, as well as a $20,000 contribution to the Missouri Republican Party.

The RGA and Uniting Missouri PAC are both currently focused on supporting the governor’s efforts to combat the COVID-19 pandemic.


St. Louis Stay-At-Home Order To Be Extended

Post-Dispatch reports that “St. Louis County Executive Sam Page said Monday that a stay-at-home order was likely to remain in force until at least May, and said the ability to test more people was an important step toward restarting the local economy.

A statewide stay-at-home order by Missouri Gov. Mike Parson, which came nearly two weeks after most St. Louis-area jurisdictions had put their own in place, expires April 24. The stay-at-home order in Illinois expires April 30.

Page said he hoped a decision as to whether to extend a stay-at-home order would be made together with other regional leaders and that he didn’t have a specific date in mind. In an interview on KTRS (550 AM), Mayor Lyda Krewson said she wouldn’t be surprised if the order was extended….”


Long Term Impact?

Bloomberg News reports on whether there will be a long-term economic impact from this crisis.  See it here.

Economists pointed to three crucial areas they say will matter most. For one, the speed with which small and mid-sized business aid finds its mark. A second, the level of support for states and cities later this year. And third, something -- anything -- to restore public confidence in getting back to life, and business, as usual…

The third challenge may be harder to address. Even if the novel coronavirus doesn’t flare up again in the autumn or next year, the fear of its re-emergence may cause dramatic and long-lasting changes to social behavior, and by extension to economic activity.

The Great Depression cast a shadow on the saving and spending habits of millions of Americans for decades. Even the Great Recession of 2008-09 had a documented impact. The current crisis could go deeper…


New Committees

Mike Moehlenkamp formed a candidate committee (Committee to Elect Mike Moehlenkamp) to run for House 68 as a Democrat.

Grow MO Together was formed. It’s a PAC.  Its treasurer is Eric Slusher.  He’s the spokesperson for the Galloway campaign.


Lobbyists Registrations

Jeffrey Altmann added Next Missouri.       

Sean Diller added Heartland Strong, Inc.



Missourians for a New Approach - $10,000 from New Approach PAC.

MO Republican Party - $20,000 from Republican Governors Association - Missouri 2020.

AGC of MO PAC - $5,260 from Emery Sapp & Sons, Inc.

AGC of MO PAC - $7,600 from Fabick CAT.

AGC of MO PAC - $5,880 from Millstone Weber.

AGC of MO PAC - $6,375 from Twehous Excavating Co., Inc. - $27,000 from Jason Bean.



Happy birthdays to Brad Robinson, Lori Hatton Rasmussen, and Mark Boyko.


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