MOScout Daily Update: More Withholds - Parson Waives Hold Harmless Statute - Wulff Launches Web Presence - Pro-Bean PAC Formed and more....

More Withholds

Governor Mike Parson announced more than $200 million in budget withholds.  See the list of restrictions here.

From the press release: “It goes without saying that COVID-19 has had severe impacts on our anticipated economic growth. This is truly unlike anything we have ever experienced before, and we are now expecting significant revenue declines,” Governor Parson said. Between March and April alone, Missouri saw a decline of over 300,000 jobs – a decrease of over 10 percent. This drop takes the state back to employment levels last seen in 1996. Missouri’s unemployment rate, which has been at near-historic lows for much of Governor Parson’s administration, rose from 3.9 percent to 9.7 percent in April.

Education took the brunt of the cuts: DESE accounted for $131 million and Higher Ed for another $41 million.


Some eyebrows were raised at the way the cuts were occurring.  The governor said the cuts would hit all districts- including the “hold harmless” districts.

Again, from the press release, “In order to be as fair as possible, Governor Parson has waived Section 163.031.7, RSMo. This statute grants some school districts a “hold harmless” status and allows them to not be affected by a budget shortfall. The waiver of this statute means hold harmless districts are not exempt from these withholdings. All local education agencies, including charter schools, will share proportionately in this budget shortfall.”

One lobbyist pointed to the statutory power that allows the governor to waive laws in an emergency situation.  See it here.

(g)  Waive or suspend the operation of any statutory requirement or administrative rule regarding the licensing, certification or issuance of permits evidencing professional, mechanical or other skills;

(h)  Waive or suspend the operation of any statutory requirement or administrative rule prescribing procedures for conducting state business, where strict compliance with such requirements and rules would prevent, hinder, or delay necessary action by the department of health and senior services to respond to a declared emergency or increased health threat to the population;

There’s no “health threat” justification for waiving the hold harmless statute.

We’ll see if any hold harmless districts challenge this, or if the legislature takes issue with the governor’s office purse-grab.


Senate 23: Wulff Launches Web Presence

Eric Wulff, who’s mounting an insurgent challenge to Sen. Bill Eigel in the Republican Senate 23 primary, launched a web presence yesterday.

See his Facebook page here; and his website here.

His introductory video is here.  It wastes no time going after Eigel and foreshadows a line of attacking Eigel’s voting record.  “Votes are not only the most important thing, but they are the only things when it comes to honestly judging if our senator is a true conservative and in step with us.  Sadly, our incumbent, Bill Eigel, fails the leadership test and he fails the votes test…”

Wulff formed his campaign committee after the April deadline, so we don’t have evidence of his fundraising capacity to deliver this message.  However, the professional sheen of the video indicates that he’s raised at least some chuck of money.


Senate 25: Pro-Bean PAC

In Senate 25, Jason Bean has followed the practices of his primary rivals and started an independent expenditure PAC.  Conservative Leadership for Southeast Missouri was formed. As a PAC, it isn’t limited by candidate contributions limits.  The candidate can raise funds for the PAC, but can’t direct its spending.

Eddy Justice has Justice For All PAC, and Rep. Jeff Shawan has Conservative Future Fund PAC.  I do not believe that Steve Cookson has a PAC established yet.


Driving the Day: Muni Elections

It’s Election Day in many municipalities across Missouri.  Between the coronavirus health concerns and the civil unrest with protests against police brutality, one would expect lower than normal turnout.


New Committees

Joe Combs formed a candidate committee (Citizens to elect Joe Combs for State Representative of District 155) to run in House 155 as a Republican.  His treasurer is former Rep. Maynard Wallace.

Kevon Graves formed a candidate committee (Kevon Graves) to run for House 22 as a Democrat.

Conservative Leadership for Southeast Missouri was formed.  It’s a PAC.  Its treasurer is Trent Haggard.


Lobbyist Registrations

Mark Farnen added Bryan Properties.

Danielle West added Union Electric Co. DBA Amerenue, Ameren Services, Ameren Corp.

Kyna Iman deleted Golden Entertainment Inc.       

Claire West deleted Public School Retirement System of Missouri.

Trent Ford deleted Supportkids Services, Inc.        

Nancy Giddens and Shannon Cooper deleted Carol Jones, Missouri Soybean Association, Municipal League of Metro St. Louis, and Royal Oaks Hospital.

Jewell Patek deleted Crossroads Hospice and Palliative Care, St. Francis Community Services, Cass County Emergency Services Board, and Missouri Gaming Partners LLC.


$5K+ Contributions

KCFOP PAC - $6,245 from Kansas City Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 99.

Missourians for Healthcare - $350,000 from Health Care Issues Committee of the Missouri Hospital Association.



Happy birthday to Rep. Dean Dohrman.


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