MOScout Daily Update: Harris and MRL Endorsements - SB 600 Decision Time - DMV Revolt and more...

Harris as MRL Puppet-Master?

I’ve heard from a few folks who questioned the Missouri Right to Life PAC’s recent state senate endorsements and point to Republican consultant James Harris as influential.

One such critique ran like this… The Missouri Right to Life endorsements seemed all over the place. They didn’t endorse Scism and Barrett against Elaine Gannon because she has a voting record, which is common amongst interests groups. Then, they endorsed everyone in the Libla seat, including two outsiders. There is one consistent theme, however. Candidates associated with MRL’s consultant, James Harris, all got the nod.


Some think casting him as “MRL Whisperer” is a bit of a stretch. But Harris’ clients (Gannon, Swan, and Brattin) did indeed fare well with MRL PAC.  And he acknowledges that he helped his clients make the case to MRL, not just relying on a strong voting record, but also contrasting themselves with their opponents.

For example:

·         In Kathy Swan’s case, she actively sponsors pro-life legislation.  She sponsored HB1478 in 2014, HB190 and HB427 in 2015, HB1953 in 2016, HB456 and HB3 in 2017, and HB850 in 2019.  She protested Roe v. Wade decades ago, participating in a demonstration while she was pregnant…

·         As for Rick, Jack Bondon took $5,000 from Supporters for Health Research and Treatments, which is supported by pro-cloning interest groups.  That in and of itself is enough to cause questions about his dedication to pro-life ideals.  Meanwhile, Brattin sponsored pro-life legislation in the House and has not wavered in his support for ending abortion in Missouri.


Still critics note Harris’ relationship with the organization (“In the last cycle, MRL spent nearly $75,000 with James Harris in 2018 alone”).  And argue that there could be unintended consequences to his infleunce: “If the organization loses one of these races, they may have disgruntled senators on their hands – and it would be hard to imagine that they’re going to run the table here…”



MRL released their House endorsements yesterday.  See them here.


DMV Revolt

When the mighty Jason Rosenbaum (Happy B-Day, btw) tweets about a horrible DMV experience, you know it’s out of control.  It took about an hour and a half, but my license saga is officially over!!

There have been complaints from all across the state, as new social distancing rules combined with pent-up demand from the lock-down period have overwhelmed DMVs creating long, slow-moving lines.

The governor’s team seems aware of that the grumbling and quickly translate into lost votes and is moving into action.  However the latest announcement promised relief in August?!?.  Perhaps we’ll see something with a little more urgency soon.

The Missouri Department of Revenue is taking steps to open a few temporary license offices to better meet the motor vehicle and driver licensing needs of Missourians during the recovery phase.  These offices will be managed by the state and will be located in areas with the highest transaction volumes, such as St. Louis and Kansas City. The Department is currently looking at opening dates in August but is working hard to open sooner…..


Crime Bill Decision Time

Post-Dispatch reports on Governor Mike Parson’s looming decision about SB 600.  See it here.

Conservative and progressive advocacy groups are slamming a bill aimed at combating a surge of violence in Missouri’s largest cities as a return to tough-on-crime policies. At issue is a bill that would stiffen penalties for gun crimes, dangerous felonies and crimes committed by gangs. It also would create the crime of vehicle hijacking, which now can be prosecuted as robbery…

“Many of these crimes are committed by a small number of repeat offenders,” Republican Sen. Tony Luetkemeyer said in a statement. "My legislation ends the catch-and-release practices and ensures the most dangerous criminals are behind bars.” But many critics urged the governor to veto it, arguing the measure would revive the 1980s and ’90s’ tough-on-crime approach…

Parson hasn’t indicated whether he’ll enact the bill or not. He’s a former sheriff and supports criminal justice reform.

·         One rumor has the governor’s team already plotting out a special session to pass a modified version of the bill after a veto next month.  We’ll see….


Time to Get Serious About the Digital Divide.

·         A recent op/ed by MU Vice Chancellor Marshall Stewart in the Columbia Missourian noted the challenge of Missouri’s digital divide.  See it here.  The ongoing pandemic has made Missouri’s troubling lack of broadband infrastructure more apparent than ever. Our state ranks 41st in broadband access, with hotspots in St. Louis and Kansas City and vast stretches of little or no access throughout the rest of the state. As a result, untold numbers of Missourians have found the transition to an online society of virtual health screenings and remote business to be difficult or impossible. Video conferences have become the de-facto method of communication for many businesses across the country, but without broadband internet, they are useless.

·         Rep. Louis Riggs has hammered away at this issue for a while now.  He recently tweeted: This pandemic has exacerbated problems with lack of access—online education, telemedicine services, even business interruptions because 30-40% of bandwidth soaked up by Netflix/YouTube. Nature of work itself is likely to change and broadband will be the backbone. #ruralbroadband

One MOScouter’s solution… “Using the excess fiber capacity on Missouri's electric grid. The easiest way to unlock thousands of miles of excess fiber to quickly narrow this digital distancing is a tweak to current easement laws allowing a fair means to both property owners and communities to tap these resources.”


Getting Passed Around

This tweet from Claire McCaskill blaming Congressman Lacy Clay’s redistricting deal.  One reader’s reaction: That's a woman who knows she's the absolute gatekeeper to any Missourian that wants to get into a Democratic White House for the next 4 year.


Lobbyists Registrations

Cara Alexander, Mark Francis Brady, Rodney Gray, and Susan Henderson Moore added Monte Nido & Affiliates.


$5K+ Contributions

Evergy Employee PowerPAC - Missouri - $20,000 from Evergy Employee PowerPAC.

KC Neighbors for Progress - $10,000 from Allianc for Progress LLC.

Missourians for Healthcare - $10,000 from Bill Gautreaux.

Missourians for Healthcare - $25,000 from Service Employees International.

MO Opportunity PAC - $7,500 from HUB Employees PAC.

KCFOP PAC - $6,220 from Kansas City Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 99.



Happy birthdays to Brandon Koch, Christine Ingrassia, Joe Vaccaro, and the mighty Jason Rosenbaum.


MOScout Daily Update: Why Gov Signs Crime Bill - More on MRL Endorsements - Pro-Baker PAC Formed - Special Session Coming and more...


MOScout Daily Update: Rehder Ad - MRL Senate Endorsements - Parson Sees No COVID Surge - McDowell Questions Schweich Suicide and more...