MOScout Sunday6 - Unemployment Claims - COVID Rising - COHs and more...

Missouri initial unemployment claims continue back toward more normal levels.

But “unemployment claims” has become more a complicated situation with various pandemic programs in place.

A look at continuing claims.

The number of Missouri COVID cases rise.

The risk for Parson is that in states where the virus has reignited, the governors’ approval ratings have dropped.

Republican statewide candidates have large cash advantage over their Democratic opponents, especially when allied PACs are considered….

Source: MEC. Graphics by MOScout LLC.

Source: MEC. Graphics by MOScout LLC.

Source: MEC. Graphics by MOScout LLC.

Source: MEC. Graphics by MOScout LLC.

Source: MEC. Graphics by MOScout LLC.

Source: MEC. Graphics by MOScout LLC.

Source: MEC. Graphics by MOScout LLC.

Source: MEC. Graphics by MOScout LLC.

Source: MEC. Graphics by MOScout LLC.

Source: MEC. Graphics by MOScout LLC.


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