MOScout Sunday6: Sweeney was 1%er - STL Murder Stats - Face Mask Mandates and more...
The Auditor’s draft report on STL County shows how well Sheila Sweeney was compensated for her job at the St. Louis Economic Development Partnership.
She was a 1%er…
Source: USAToday.
Snap shot look at STL homicides this year.
Source: SLMPD.
No surprise that guns are weapon of choice/convenience.
Source: SLMPD.
Americans feel COVID crisis getting worse.
If job postings are any indicator, the southwest Missouri corner is one of the hardest hit areas in the country.
Face mask mandate is not an all-or-nothing proposition. Most states have some version of the mandate.
Morgan Stanley offers 4 COVID economic scenarios.
And lobbyist Sarah Martin Wood suggests expanding MOScout.