MOScout Special Update: Parson Vents Over SOTS Change

Parson Vents

In sign of great tension between the governor and House leadership,  Governor Mike Parson has apparently sent a letter to Republican legislators venting about his State of the State speech being shunted over to the Senate.  See the remarkable three-page letter here.

I am writing to express my disappointment in the events that occurred Wednesday, January 27, 2021, regarding the 2021 State of the State address.  The State of the State is a historic day for state government, for Missourians, and for any Governor, for that matter… Unfortunately, decisions were made by House leaders that turned the State of the State event into something much different and that was unrecognizable to our state’s tradition…. The State of the State was an opportunity to share our successes and vision for the future… Instead, Wednesday became an insider stunt and pretty show of arrogance and political power… It is hard to see this as anything other than a purposeful and disgusting scheme to embarrass me and the Office of the Governor… For further illustrate the malicious intent of these decisions, House staff members actively went to work putting a political spin on the situation and insinuating that this was about my ego… Although there are some who are determined to poison the relationship between The Governor’s Office and the legislature, our resolve to do the best for Missourians remains. These individuals only seek to benefit themselves, manipulate the truth, and stay in power beyond the legislative term limits imposed on the legislators they serve…


More on this tomorrow….


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