MOScout Daily Update: Readers React to Parson Letter - CMC to Europe? - Galloway Fundraising - Biodiesel Bill Hearing and more...

Parson Letter Reaction

I received a slew of reactions after I posted the letter from Governor Mike Parson to Republican legislators venting about the change in the State of the State speech.  This is just a sample of what readers sent me yesterday. Not one person thought the letter was a good idea.

·         Sorry you missed a big crowd at your speech Governor. The rest of us in Missouri missed Christmas, birthdays, school, weddings, funerals, work and so much more.... I like Parson but this I’m not sure what he’s thinking. At all.

·         Nothing says “I want to be on your team” more than a whiny 3-page letter complaining about your vanity speech.  Doesn’t feel like this letter is going to help Mike.

·         I didn’t ever envision taking Vescovo's side over Parson, but...that s**t is unhinged

·         Parson loses a policy fight and nothing happens. But move a pomp and circumstance speech to a different location and he throws a public fit. Wonder what that says about his priorities.

·         These guys should spend their time figuring out how more Missourians can get the vaccine.

·         Attention all shoppers, would the person who stole the Governor’s pen please return it to Mike Parson immediately.

·         You’re dead last in vaccine distribution and you’re wasting your time on a letter many won’t take time to finish reading about a speech the vast majority of Missourians don’t 1) watch; and 2) know even takes place in the House chamber… Get vaccines out, nothing else matters, especially ego.

·         Never punch down. Vescovo is the Captain now.

·         The worst mistake people in the legislature make is picking the wrong fights and making too much out of things that don’t matter outside of our bubble. One would assume someone who has made it to Governor and the people around him wouldn’t make that mistake...


Hoskins Biodiesel Bill

Sen. Denny HoskinsSB 96 gets a hearing today in the Senate Agriculture Committee. It “establishes a minimum biodiesel fuel content mandate for diesel fuel sold or offered for sale in Missouri,” phasing in the amount until 2024 when it hits 20% of the fuel content.

This issue has been before the legislature in previous sessions and it divides various interest groups – and even Republicans.  Some see it as interference in the free market while other think it’s good policy for farmers.


CMC to Europe?

Axios reports on possible ambassadorships under President Joe Biden… “Biden is most likely to reward loyal politicians and former aides, with talk about former senators like Claire McCaskill headed for a gilded post in Europe…”


Driving the Day?

I’m told that Tim Garrison, Western District U.S. Attorney, is having a 2PM news conference Monday at the federal courthouse in Springfield.  Rumors are that there’s a “Missouri politics/government angle,” but even more specific within the building, two folks believe Rep. Tricia Derges is involved. 

Yesterday she posted on Facebook: One thing I was not taught is that there are those that don’t care what you do, who you help, their entire focus is to literally stop and destroy so that you are unable to do anything.  They do it with lies and deceit- fear and intimidation.  Humiliating and embarrassing good things and good people delight them.  They make you wonder what good your life has been, why you fought so hard for so many when it would have been so much easier to just do your thing.  I have never hurt a person in my life.  No one should ever have to go through this.  I guess taking the “The Road Less Traveled” was maybe not so smart- but I did.

What was I thinking?

I guess I wasn’t thinking.

Please pray for me for Monday.  I don’t know if I have the stength to make it through this day.


Galloway Fundraising Blast

Auditor Nicole Galloway sent a fundraising blast over the weekend, the first sign that the Democratic incumbent may be gearing up for a re-election campaign in 2022.

In my last election for Auditor, your support helped me defeat my opponent by 6 points — in the same year Republican Josh Hawley defeated Senator Claire McCaskill. But, I know the fight we’ll have in this next election is going to be even tougher.

By coming together, this grassroots team has broken records, helped make history, and time and time again proven the pundits and political insiders wrong. That’s why I’m hoping I can count on you to once again step up and make a difference.


Rumorville: Justices Vaccinated

Word is that Missouri’s Supreme Court justices have been received COVID vaccinations.  Some of them are over the age of 65.  But also, some of them are not.

To me, it’s completely legitimate that we’d want our government officials to vaccinated so they can carry out their work.  But this has irked others who feel that the governor was unnecessarily “throwing legislators under the bus” by decrying their getting vaccines. 


eMailbag: Pay Blowback

From a Republican… “The GOP has a veto proof majority in both house and senate. They promise more efficient and smaller government on the campaign trail.  In the middle of an unstable pandemic economy and lots of folks without jobs, and still they manipulate a pay raise for themselves.  Wow!! That takes real nerve.”


eMailbag on Uniting MO Fundraising

I bet Parson can’t tell you two of the last ten donors to Uniting Missouri PAC, and for the two that he can name, what legislation they are promoting or what contract they have (or are pursuing) with the state.


New Committees

Crawford County Democratic Committee Club was formed. It’s a PAC.  Its treasurer is Lisa Herbst.


Lobbyists Registrations

John Bardgett, Jacqueline Bardgett, Mark Habbas, Erika Leonard, and Chris Roepe added Harris-Stowe State University.

John Bardgett, Erika Leonard and Chris Roepe added Truman Medical Center Charitable Foundation.

Jeremy LaFaver added Backcountry Hunters & Anglers - MO Chapter.               

James Bowers added The Lamar Company LLC.

Brad Willie added Neurocrine Biosciences, Inc.                 

James Harris deleted NaphCare Inc.


$5K+ Contributions

Legal Missouri 2022 - $7,500 from Growth Horizons, LLC.



MOScout Daily Update: Derges Indicted, Removed from Committees - COVID Liability to Senate Floor - Gas Tax Hearing and more...


MOScout Special Update: Parson Vents Over SOTS Change