MOScout Daily Update: Hawley Takes Hits - Harris for US Atty? - 2022 IP Filing Starts - Evans on MRP Exit and more...

Hawley Takes Heat

Senator Josh Hawley took heat from a variety of sources yesterday for his role in President Donald Trump’s misinformation campaign to convince supporters that the election was “stolen.”

·         Former Missouri Senator Jack Danforth (in an interview with Tony Messenger): [Supporting Hawley] was the worst mistake I ever made in my life. Yesterday was the physical culmination of the long attempt (by Hawley and others) to foment a lack of public confidence in our democratic system. It is very dangerous to America to continue pushing this idea that government doesn’t work and that voting was fraudulent.”

·         One of MOGOP’s largest donor David Humphreys (in a statement to the Missouri Independent): “[Hawley] has shown his true colors as an anti-democracy populist by supporting Trump’s false claim of a ‘stolen election.’ Hawley’s irresponsible, inflammatory, and dangerous tactics have incited violence and further discord across America. And he has now revealed himself as a political opportunist willing to subvert the Constitution”

·         Columnist David Brooks (writing in the NYTimes): “[Hawley] gave permission to dark forces he is too childish, privileged and self-absorbed to understand. Hawley sold his soul to all that is ugly for the sake of his own personal celebrity.”

·         Lobbyist and former Republican staffer Sammy Panettiere (compares Hawley with Blunt for KSHB): “You have a workhorse such as Senator Blunt who has continuously delivered conservative reforms, solved problems for Missourians and Americans, focused on governing. And then I think you see a show pony like Senator Hawley placing his ambitions over what's right for Missouri and the country.”

·         And book publisher Simon & Schuster is passing on Hawley’s book saying they “cannot support Senator Hawley after his role in what became a dangerous threat to our democracy and freedom.”


Eastern District US Attorney Talk

Tipster says: “Looks like Reggie Harris, Bryan Cave partner and former #2 in US Attorney office, is generating a lot of support from Biden associates…”


IP Cycle Starts

Chris Vas, header of the Liberty Alliance, filed three initiative petitions, beginning the process to potentially collect signatures to be placed on the 2022 ballot.

·         One appears to be a right to work proposal. See it here.

·         The other two appear to be a dismantling of the Missouri “non-partisan” court plan.  See it here and here.

What It Means

You need a good chunk of money to make the signature collection happen.  So far there’s no indication that Liberty Alliance has the financial backing for such an endeavor.


Jean Evans on KMOX

Jean Evans, recently resigned executive director of the Missouri Republican Party, tells KMOX that she was disturbed by the increasingly harsh rhetoric of Republicans, and it hastened her exit.

Listen to the interview here.


Hill Not Among Looters

Rep. Justin Hill tells the Post-Dispatch that “he didn’t enter the Capitol, but did watch the mob from a vantage point at the rear of the building. ‘I wasn’t close enough to see anything. I didn’t see any vandalism,’ Hill said.  Hill, a former police officer, said he was disappointed in the events that unfolded as the day progressed into night. ‘It’s such a sad day,’ Hill said…”


Quade Makes Appts

Minority Leader Crystal Quade made appointments to the first newly formed House committees.

·         Rep. Keri Ingle will serve as ranking minority member of Children and Families Committee.

·         Rep. Mark Ellebracht will serve as ranking minority member of Ethics Committee.


New Committees

Citizens for Phelps County was formed.  It’s a PAC.  Its treasurer is David Moreland.


Lobbyists Registrations

Lobbyists registrations will return next week.


$5K+ Contributions

UFCW Active Ballot Club-Missouri Federal Committee - $12,650 from United Food and Commercial Workers International Union Active Ballot Club.

Together KC - $35,000 from Commerce Bancshares Inc.



Happy birthdays to Mike Cunningham and Janson Thomas.


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MOScout Daily Update: DC Chaos - MEC Gets Children's Committee - Fitz to Chair Ethics - 4 New House Committees - Sharpe's Cig Plan and more...