MOScout Sunday 6: Deer Season - Lead Map - Pot Polling - Abortion Drive Time - Early Childhood $$$ - Burger Diversity and more...

Let’s start with our deer friends…

1. Deer harvest in different states.  See a more detailed map here.

2. It’s either them or your car (just sayin)….

Source: State Farm.

3. Republicans miss the “good old days?”

See the whole PPRI poll here.

4. Practical impact of Roe being overturned might not be that great in Missouri??

Source: Economist.

5. Lead map.

Source: Axios.

6. Some graphs I look at and say, “Hang on, can this be true?” 

Source: NYTimes.

7. Pot Polling Gets High.

Source: Gallup.

8. Missouri really has great diversity of burger chains as measured according to the “Shannon-Weiner diversity index which is commonly used to assess biodiversity in ecology.”

Source: Reddit.

9. It’s beautiful to gaze up at the starry sky on a cool autumn night… Just remember, there are a couple killers up there lurking…


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