MOScout Sunday6: DHSS Masked-Unmasked Chart - Worker Shortage -> Higher Wages? - ODs - Population Center and more...
1. Here’s that chart that DHSS included with its analysis of masked versus unmasked transmission of COVID.
2. Drug overdoses, by state.
Source: Axios.
3. Missouri’s “center of population” not far from Jefferson City.
Source: US Census.
And here are some charts looking at the labor market…
4. First, the big issue: missing workers. Missouri, like most states still has a smaller workforce than it did pre-pandemic.
Source: Wall Street Journal.
5. Small business paying higher wages as they compete for workers.
Source: Wall Street Journal.
6. Competing against Amazon’s huge holiday hiring for example.
Source: Chartr.
7. Competing with folks who have decided to go work for themselves?
Source: Wall Street Journal.
8. Meanwhile, Missouri has over 10,000 job openings in the fields related to cybersecurity. See an interactive map here.
Source: Cyberseek.
9. Why some folks don’t vote.
Source: Axios.
10. Drinking and regret. I’ve tried a couple times, but I still can’t figure out what this graph means.
Source: Reddit.