MOScout Sunday6: DHSS Masked-Unmasked Chart - Worker Shortage -> Higher Wages? - ODs - Population Center and more...

1. Here’s that chart that DHSS included with its analysis of masked versus unmasked transmission of COVID.

2. Drug overdoses, by state.

Source: Axios.

3. Missouri’s “center of population” not far from Jefferson City.

Source: US Census.

And here are some charts looking at the labor market…

4. First, the big issue: missing workers. Missouri, like most states still has a smaller workforce than it did pre-pandemic.

5. Small business paying higher wages as they compete for workers.

6. Competing against Amazon’s huge holiday hiring for example.

Source: Chartr.

7. Competing with folks who have decided to go work for themselves?

8. Meanwhile, Missouri has over 10,000 job openings in the fields related to cybersecurity.  See an interactive map here.

Source: Cyberseek.

9. Why some folks don’t vote.

Source: Axios.

10. Drinking and regret.  I’ve tried a couple times, but I still can’t figure out what this graph means.

Source: Reddit.


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