MOScout Weekender: Plocher on Derges - Sifton Files Senate Paperwork - STL City Mayoral Poll - Hallway Sees Greitens 2022 Run - WWTW and more...

Sifton Starts Federal Committee

Former Sen. Scott Sifton filed paperwork with the FEC to form a campaign committee to run for US Senate in 2022 as a Democrat.  See the filing here.

Sifton has been calling advocates and potential donors during the last few weeks, and apparently is getting good receptivity.

Missouri’s 2020 performance was so strongly Republican that most folks see this race as approaching hopeless for Democrats.  The one glimmer of hope is the potential for a Republican primary as Eric Greitens continues to act as if he’s seriously considering challenging incumbent Senator Roy Blunt. (See the Hallway Index below where most believe Greitens will run).


Plocher Backs Vescovo

House Republican Floor Leader Dean Plocher’s full statement on the Rep. Tricia Derges situation: “The email from Tricia Derges was misleading and distorted my support for her regarding her personal criminal matter because it was before I knew all the facts.  I have not had contact with Tricia Derges since the indictment was filed.  I believe in the long-standing principle of due process, however, I stand firmly with Speaker Vescovo’s call for her to resign.”


Remington/MOScout Poll: STL City Mayoral Poll

Survey conducted February 3 through February 4, 2021. 501 likely March Municipal Primary Election voters participated in the survey. Survey weighted to match expected turnout demographics for the March Municipal Primary Election. Margin of Error is +/-4.4%. Find the full poll here.

Q1: Do you approve or disapprove of Lyda Krewson’s job performance as Mayor of St. Louis?

Approve: 40%

Disapprove: 37%

Not sure: 23%

The City will be using Approval Voting for this election. That means you may vote for more than one candidate if you wish. I will read you the names of the candidates running for Mayor. First let me know if you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of that candidate, then let me know if they will be one of the candidates who will receive your vote. Remember, you can vote for as many candidates as you wish.

Q2: What is your opinion of Andrew Jones?

Favorable: 12%

Unfavorable: 29%

No opinion: 59%

Q3: Will Andrew Jones receive one of your votes for Mayor?

Yes: 19%

No: 81%

Q4: What is your opinion of Tishaura Jones?

Favorable: 45%

Unfavorable: 33%

No opinion: 22%

Q5: Will Tishaura Jones receive one of your votes for Mayor?

Yes: 51%

No: 49%

Q6: What is your opinion of Lewis Reed?

Favorable: 58%

Unfavorable: 26%

No opinion: 16%

Q7: Will Lewis Reed receive one of your votes for Mayor?

Yes: 59%

No: 41%

Q8: What is your opinion of Cara Spencer?

Favorable: 32%

Unfavorable: 22%

No opinion: 46%

Q9: Will Cara Spencer receive one of your votes for Mayor?

Yes: 40%

No: 60%

Q10: What is the most important task facing the next Mayor?

COVID vaccine distribution: 28%

Making the city safer: 43%

Improving the schools: 8%

Attracting more jobs: 5%

Something else: 3%

Not sure: 13%


MOScout’s Hallway Index: Greitens in 2022?

4 out of 5 lobbyists think Eric Greitens will run in 2022.  22 replies…


1. Yes, he'll certainly run… 22.7%

2. Yes, he'll probably run… 59.1%

3. No, he probably won't run… 18.2%

4. No, he certainly won’t run… 0%

Sample of Comments

·         He has the drive and the competitive streak-he is in

·         There is no better time for him to run than this cycle. On the heels of a Trump presidency, while his name ID in Missouri is still high, and while his primary opponent is was an establishment guy who voted to certify trumps loss, plus it’s a midterm of a Democrat presidency.

·         He knows what’s still out there to be revealed. He can either have his image rehabbed as it slowly is now, or he can have it ruined forever. He may be crazy, but he’s not dumb.

·         If Blunt decided to retire I’d think that Greitens would want to be ready. Even without that, though, Greitens is part of a faction of the Missouri GOP (think John Lamping) that hates Blunt’s swampiness. They will think they can capitalize on Trumpism among the base.

·         I just don’t see it. He seems to be enjoying himself as a gadfly.


Who Won the Week?

Scott Sifton – Files paperwork to run for US Senate. He’ll avoid a tough Democratic primary, and maybe get to watch a Republican primary in the meantime.

Tishaura Jones and Lewis Reed – About one month out, the two STL pols are frontrunners to make the mayoral run-off according to this weekend’s MOScout poll.

Gas tax advocates – Senate bill gets a hearing, House bill filed with the sweetener of a rebate provision.  It’s a long road ahead, but taking it one mile at a time.

Family planning advocates – A Senate bill to require health benefit plans to provide coverage for prescription contraceptives gets introduced jointly by two senators – one Republican, one Democrat.

Greg Razer – Strong first filibuster showing.  Many senators spend 8 years in the chamber and never become comfortable occupying the floor for hours at a time.

Find a downloadable version here.


$5K+ Contributions

Together KC - $10,000 from Saint Lukes Health Systems.

Together KC - $25,000 from Kansas City Regional Association of Realtors.

Together KC - $35,000 from Black and Veatch Holding Company.

Legal Missouri 2022 - $22,250 from Green Four Ventures LLC.

Together KC - $20,000 from Kansas City Live LLC.


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