MOScout Daily Update: Greitens "I'm Winning" - Schmitt Runs to "Defeat Socialism" - Brunner Sounds Like He's Running - Senate Perfects PDMP and more...

Senate Race Updates

Greitens Says He’s Winning

Eric Greitens says he has a big lead in the polls.  See it here.  It’s not dissimilar to the Remington/MOScout poll from last week (see more on that below).  In a free-for-all with several congressional candidates, each with regional strength, Greitens starts far ahead.  It makes sense he has the strongest statewide name ID. 

Brunner Sounds Like He’s Running

I know we’re in the saber rattling portion of the story, and war-chants don’t mean that someone will actually send an army to the field, but…. John Brunner is making the noises of someone who’s headed to war.  He’s running Facebook ads.  They direct folks to his website, which has a lot of “it’s my duty to run” vibe going on.  Check it out here.

Schmitt Releases Video

Eric Schmitt released an introductory video.  See it here.  If you assume you got folks attention for the first ten seconds, here’s what he wants people to know: I’m Eric Schmitt.  I’m going to spare you the platitudes and get down to brass tax. I’m running for the United State Senate to fight for Missouri values and defeat socialism.

Reaction to Remington/MOScout Poll

·         I still think the conventional wisdom is likely right. Insiders tend to overthink these things.  Your average voter has some idea who Greitens is and you split the anti-Greitens and that ain't a good thing.  

·         Polling was not surprising, but unfortunate.   Schmitt’s unwillingness to call out Greitens or even take a position during his controversy is emblematic of his career, and a liability of his candidacy.   Hard to get people to coalesce around you when you’re known for not being willing to stick your neck out.

·         Ann Wagner is the best possible choice to fight Greitens in the primary and the best for the general.

·         We all know Ann Wagner is a top tier fundraiser and she knows how to win tough races (just look at her last one) not one off the others fighting off Greitens has that experience and ability

·         That poll shows every congressional will be playing spoiler for Greitens if they get in. And more importantly it shows what everyone who has run statewide races in MO already knew - no one has any idea who you are outside of your district. The problem for the congressional delegation is getting donors to agree to the long shot AND to disregard the spoiler role for Greitens. That’s a tough sell.


Senate Perfects PDMP

Sen. Holly Rehder’s long journey to implement a prescription drug monitoring program in Missouri advanced after a long debate last night.

The Senate perfected SB 63 over the objections of Sen. Mike Moon and the Conservative Caucus.


Office of Childhood Being Born

The 60-day window for the legislature to object to Governor Parson's plans to create an Office of Childhood closed yesterday. DESE will begin transition activities this week as the office becomes official on August 28, 2021. DESE will consolidate and integrate child care, home visiting, early childhood professional development, and early learning programs into one office with a staff of 145 and a budget of $600 million. Commissioner Vandeven tapped Dr. Pam Thomas to lead the new office


Humphreys Sits Out Roofer Bill?

David Humphreys is reportedly “not engaged” on the roofing registration bill working its way through the Senate.

SB 326, sponsored by Sen. Doug Beck, had a hearing earlier in the month, and no witnesses spoke against the bill.


Conservative Groups Back GOP on MedEx Move

Americans for Limited Government: The Missouri legislature should vote no on Medicaid expansion, which would unnecessarily expand the size and scope of the government in the state of Missouri, creating more government dependency, costing the state and federal governments almost $2 billion in the first year and more than $3 billion the year after… it could create a perverse incentive to work less in order to qualify at the income eligibility level…. In light of these concerns including expanding federal government control over the state of Missouri budget, creating needless government dependency and harming the elderly, Americans for Limited Government urges a no vote on Medicaid expansion.

AFP-MO State Director Jeremy Cady issued the following statement: “Missouri voters were misled with a false promise, that expanding Medicaid would save taxpayers $39 million in the first year, in reality it will cost Missouri taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars. HB 20 would have caused considerable harm to our state’s financial health at a time when we can least afford it. Fiscal responsibility and protecting taxpayers from government waste and unnecessary spending is a priority for AFP-MO this legislative session. We commend the House Budget Committee for voting this bill down and urge lawmakers to continue standing up for Missouri taxpayers by prioritizing future spending.”


STL Mayor’s Race: 8 Day Reports

Post-Dispatch’s Mark Schlinkmann reports on St. Louis City’s mayoral race.  The election is one week from today.  Yesterday the candidates – Treasurer Tishaura Jones and Alderwoman Cara Spencer – filed their 8-day reports.  Jones raised and spent more than Spencer, though both were in the same ballpark with no real money advantage present.

According to reports filed Monday, committees backing Jones raised about $871,000 and spent about $686,000 through Thursday, the cutoff date. Groups supporting Spencer reported raising more than $796,000 and spending about $654,000. The report totals include money donated and spent during both the primary and general-election portions of the campaign.


Gubby Appts

Governor Mike Parson made appointments yesterday…

·         Loran R. Coleman and Lowell K. Wood III to the Missouri Real Estate Commission.

·         Bruce Lipe and Dan Manley to the Missouri Fire Safety Education / Advisory Commission., for

·         Randall Brian Walker and Tyler Seth Johnson to the Missouri Real Estate Appraisers Commission

·         R. Bradley Weaver to the State Banking Board and Savings and Loan Board.


Lobbyists Registrations

Mike Gibbons and Tricia Workman added KLEO-Inc.

Noel Torpey added Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.

Tyler Diers added TechNet.


$5K+ Contributions

Together KC - $15,000 from Edgemoor Infrastructure and Real Estate.

Together KC - $25,000 from John Sherman.



Happy birthdays to Wes Shoemyer (the big 6-0), David Pearce, Anne Schweitzer, and Jeff Roorda.


MOScout Daily Update: Here Comes the Senate Free-For-All... Hartzler In? Brunner In? Wagner in? - House Rejects MedEx - STL Poll and more...


MOScout Daily Update: Phase 2 Starts - MedEx Poll -Ed Lunch - MMJ Sales - MCC Tax - Graves Appt and more...