MOScout Sunday6: Tech sector lobbying – GOPers -> Indys? - Patents by state - Mizzou sends folks to DC and more…
1. The tech sector is increasing its lobbying spending.
2. More Independents. “Increased independent identification has mostly come at the expense of the Republican Party, with the 25% of U.S. adults currently identifying as Republicans down from 29% in the fourth quarter. Republican Party identification has not been lower since early 2018 and is just a few points above the low of 22% in the Gallup telephone polling era, registered in the fourth quarter of 2013.”
3. 6.4% GDP growth in 2021? Buckle up folks. Lets see how fast this old ride can go.
4. File under “Duh.” e-Commerce climbed during 2020.
5. Patents by state. MO holding steady, while the coasts become innovation hubs.
6. MOSen candidates take note: Mizzou sends lotsa folks to DC!
7. Governor’s office running out of letterhead!?