MOScout Sunday6: Tech sector lobbying – GOPers -> Indys? - Patents by state - Mizzou sends folks to DC and more…
1. The tech sector is increasing its lobbying spending.
Source: Chartr
2. More Independents. “Increased independent identification has mostly come at the expense of the Republican Party, with the 25% of U.S. adults currently identifying as Republicans down from 29% in the fourth quarter. Republican Party identification has not been lower since early 2018 and is just a few points above the low of 22% in the Gallup telephone polling era, registered in the fourth quarter of 2013.”
Source: Gallup
3. 6.4% GDP growth in 2021? Buckle up folks. Lets see how fast this old ride can go.
Source: WSJ. Read more here.
4. File under “Duh.” e-Commerce climbed during 2020.
Source: McKinsey. Read more here.
5. Patents by state. MO holding steady, while the coasts become innovation hubs.
Source: St. Louis Federal Reserve.
6. MOSen candidates take note: Mizzou sends lotsa folks to DC!
Source: Statista.
7. Governor’s office running out of letterhead!?
Source: MOScouter.