MOScout Sunday6: Images from Lincoln Days - Battle for the Soul of the GOP - Prop Tax in STL County - Moral Divides - Cicada Map and more...

! - 3. First, we’ll start with a few images from the Republicans’ Lincoln Days gathering this weekend…

Source: Facebook

Source: Facebook

Source: MOScouter

Source: MOScouter

Source: MOScouter

Source: MOScouter

4. The battle for the soul of the GOP.

See more from Mehlman.

See more from Mehlman.

5. Sharpest “morality” divides between liberals and conservatives.

Source: Gallup.

Source: Gallup.

6 - 7. “Americans expect to pay property taxes at the same rates as their neighbors. But across most of the United States, flat-rate property taxation is a sham.  Local governments are failing at the basic task of accurately assessing property values, and there is a clear and striking pattern: More expensive properties are undervalued, while less expensive properties are overvalued.”

Source: New York Times.
Source: New York Times.

8. How many retirement years?  This shows the difference between the average retirement age and the life expectancy.

Source: Reddit.

Source: Reddit.

9. The cicada map.  Looks like 2024 will be our year…

Source: Vox.

Source: Vox.


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