Sunday6: Obesity Rates - School Funding - $$$ to Vax? - Testing Positive for Pot and more...

  1. Obesity rate by state

Source: Reddit

Source: Reddit

2. More employees testing positive for marijuana.

3. Nationally, more bills dealing with trans kids.

4. Would cash work to get more people to take the vaccine?

Source: New York Times.

5. From the Auditor’s report on elementary and secondary school funding (see it here), most funding comes from local sources.

Source: State Auditor

Source: State Auditor

6. Nationally the mix is closer to 50-50.

Source: State Auditor

Source: State Auditor

7. Overall, Missouri funds elementary and secondary schools at a lower level than the national average.

Source: State Auditor

Source: State Auditor

8. How they die in Shakespeare plays.

Source: Vox

Source: Vox


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