MOScout Sunday6: Labor Force - Changing the State Constitution - Sports Betting - Police Deaths and more...

1. Start with the labor force (again)… lower labor participation in US as compared to other countries.

2. Meanwhile, fewer workers coming to America.

Source: US Census.

3. Higher bar for constitutional changes, by state.

Source: Bloomberg.

4. Sports betting, by state.

Source: Axios.

5. Cause of death of police in 2021.

Source: Reddit.

6. Trend says that it’s unlikely Biden’s Supreme Court nominee with get much (any?) GOP support.

Source: Bloomberg Law.

7. Lots of video meetings happening these days.

Source: Statistica.


MOScout Daily Update: Schmitt Gets Trump Shout-out - Previewing MOSEN $$$ - The Coming Sports Betting Battle - COVID Peak? - Snow Day Coming? and more...


MOScout Weekender: New US Senate Poll... Greitens Keeps Lead, Hartzler Gains, Two Tiers of Candidates.