MOScout Sunday6: Coming Teacher Shortage? - Healthcare Costs as a "Bridge" Issue? - Midwest Mistrust and more...

1. Let’s start with a look at the state of national elections.

Source: Statista.

2. FYI, it’s very unlikely your vote will determine who controls the Senate…

Source: Datawrapper.

3. “It’s the economy, stupid” favors the GOP.

Source: Pew Research.

4. Lots of wedge issues around, but could healthcare costs emerge as a potential “bridge” issue?

Source: Gallup.

5. Fewer teachers in MO pipeline?

Source: USA FACTS.

6. Helpful to remember when we talk about teacher pay or teacher shortages, the majority of teachers are women.  97% of kindergarten teachers are women.

7. Child poverty rates, by state.  As a state we need to be more Iowa, less Arkansas.

Source: US Census.

8. Greater mistrust in the Midwest?

Source: Axios.

9. How folks identify their “class.”


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