MOScout Sunday6: Outsiders Winning? - New GOP Powerbrokers? - Home Values - Trans Rights and more...
1. More “inexperienced” candidates winning congressional races. File under “The Case for Alford?”
Source: FiveThirtyEight.
2. Money, money money, money… The fight for some of the biggest employers involves billions of dollars of “incentives.”
Source: Statistica.
3. No consensus on transgender rights
Source: Pew Research.
4. Zillow’s Missouri Home Value Index Climbs Higher.
Source: St. Louis Federal Reserve.
5. The swiftly tilting Republican Party. Axios reports on the change in the GOP power/influence landscape.
Source: Axios.
6. Electric cars growing – with lots of room to grow. This is why EV charging stations is a hot policy topic.
Source: Chartr.
7. One final visual: be safe out there today.
Source: Reddit.