MOScout Sunday6: Crops by State - Guns by State - How Big is Big Tech? - Drive-Thru Accuracy and more...

1. Economic pessimism grips Americans.

Source: WSJ.

2. Hate Big Tech?  Or embrace it as American exceptionalism?

3. African Americans labor force participation bouncing back from COVID retreat.

4. LGBTQ+ Business Climate Score, by state.

Source: Axios.

5. Most common crop, by state.

Source: Erin Davis.

6. Greater variation in rates of gun deaths than I would have guessed.  Missouri near the top.

Source: Pew Research.

7. As far as school mass shootings go, it’s the boys/men that do it.

Source: Reddit.

8. Reports that Roe v Wade may be overturned has intensified pro-choice voters focus on that issue.

Source: Gallup.

9. The eternal trade-off: speed or accuracy?

Source: Chartr.


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