MOScout Sunday 6: College Enrollment - Baseball Prices - Midterm Elections and more...

1. President’s party in midterm elections.

Source: Statista.

2. College enrollment flatlines. “In 2019, 51% of American adults considered a college degree to be ‘very important,’ down from 70% in 2013, according to a Gallup poll. Positive perceptions of college among adults 18 to 29 fell the fastest of any group, to 41% from 74%.”

3. Most jobs by county. Some industries are likely than others to require a college education.

Source: Twitter.

4. In St. Louis cheaper to buy than rent.

Source: Axios.

5. & 6. Baseball: Royals less expensive than Cards & Baseball inflation.

Source: The Hustle

Source: The Hustle

7. Long-term gains.


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