MOScout Sunday6: Student Loans - Freshwater Stress - Dobbs Impact - EV Sales and more...
1. Freshwater scarcity growing. “As a result of water stress, states are fighting over the resource, and the number of legal fights is expected to grow, the author noted.”
Source: St. Louis Federal Reserve.
2. Dobbs impact in Kansas.
Source: NYTimes.
3. Average student loan debt, by state.
Source: Washington Post.
4. Stay in school, kids!
Source: USAFacts.
5. Farmers raise farmers, architects raise architects…
Source: Adam Altmejd
6. Life expectancy by state, greater variation here than I would guessed.
Source: ABC News.
7. GM EV Sales.
Source: Statista.
8. Most popular UK monarchs, by pub.
Source: Reddit.