MOScout Sunday 6: Age Limits for Pols - Japanese Tourism - Disappearing English Majors and more...

1. Intriguing idea: age limits for politicians?

Source: CBS News.

2. Lots of common ground on immigration, four of these six priorities have majorities of both parties.

Source: Pew Research.

3. Living US Veterans, by service period.

4. Gun deaths. “Firearm deaths include all deaths involving guns, such as homicide, suicide, and accidents. More people in the US die from suicide involving a firearm than homicides or accidents.  There were a total of 45,222 firearm deaths in the US in 2020, an increase of 14% or 5,155 firearm deaths from 2019.”

Source: USA FACTS.

5. Humanities in decline...

6. Unions approval steadily increasing over past decade.

Source: Gallup.

7. What COVID did to Japan tourism.


MOScout Daily Update: Eigel To Explore Gubby Run - The Case for Hruza - Legalization Polling - Exporting MAGA? and more...


MOScout Weekender: New Poll on Ballot Questions - Hallway Likes Fitzwater - Who Won the Week and more...