MOScout Sunday 6: Age Limits for Pols - Japanese Tourism - Disappearing English Majors and more...
1. Intriguing idea: age limits for politicians?
Source: CBS News.
2. Lots of common ground on immigration, four of these six priorities have majorities of both parties.
Source: Pew Research.
3. Living US Veterans, by service period.
Source: Demographic Fact A Day.
4. Gun deaths. “Firearm deaths include all deaths involving guns, such as homicide, suicide, and accidents. More people in the US die from suicide involving a firearm than homicides or accidents. There were a total of 45,222 firearm deaths in the US in 2020, an increase of 14% or 5,155 firearm deaths from 2019.”
Source: USA FACTS.
5. Humanities in decline...
Source: Benjamin Schmidt.
6. Unions approval steadily increasing over past decade.
Source: Gallup.
7. What COVID did to Japan tourism.
Source: Wall Street Journal.