MOScout Sunday6: Views of Socialism - Childhood Obesity - Prices Up and Down - Disconnected Youths and more...
1. Overall, Dems view socialism more favorably. But interestingly there’s a rift within Dems: older Dems favor capitalism, younger Dems favor socialism.
Source: Pew Research.
2. In case you haven’t noticed, our elected officials are getting older…
Source: Chartr.
3. One out of five Missouri kids is obese. That’s a bad prognosis for our healthcare spending in 30 years.
Source: St. Louis Post-Dispatch.
4. Butter prices soar; veal unchanged. Kind of doesn’t surprise me…
Source: Wall Street Journal.
5. Meanwhile, the cooling housing market has lumber finally returning to earth.
Source: Mike Zaccardi.
6. The kids aren’t alright… “Disconnected youth are... between the ages of 16 and 19, they’re not enrolled in school, and they’re unemployed or not in the labor force. These youth are typically thought to be at risk of future low income or even crime. So it’s important to try to learn something about them, such as how many there are and where they are. Darker greens show larger proportions, but not necessarily larger concentrations. Remember that the size of a county is reflective of its land mass, not necessarily its population. In fact, large counties are typically the least-populated ones.”
Source: St. Louis Federal Reserve.
7. “The name Elizabeth increased in popularity in the US during the first few decades of #QueenElizabeth's reign, and after 1972 the name was more popular than Mary. In 2021 there were 7190 US girls given the name Elizabeth (4 per 1000), ranking 52 among girls' names.” But isn’t the real story here the disappearance of “Mary?”
Source: Demographic Fact A Day.