MOScout Sunday6: 2024 Pres Election - Paid Maternity Leave - 1%ers and more...
1 – 3. Let’s start with a few slides from the Mehlman deck… Source: Mehlman Consulting.
A rematch is coming…
That bums the Democratic base and the Republican elites…
“This election is about him!”
4. Missouri less impacted by rising “insurance risk” than other states, though I wonder if an “earthquake insurance” map would show something differently.
Source: Axios.
5. Agriculture makes up about 2% of Missouri’s GDP. It’s about half as important to Missouri’s economy as it is to Kansas or Iowa.
Source: Wells Fargo via Daily Shot.
6 - 7. Two ways of looking at the size of the federal government. Source of both is the Wall Street Journal.
8. Paid maternity leave, by country.
9. Pulling down $500? You’re 1%er in Missouri.
Source: Visual Capitalist.