MOScout Sunday 6: $150 Trillion - Sick Days - Teen Pregnancies - Guns and more...

1. Stunning 30 year drop in teen births.  Birth rate now about the same as women aged 40-44.

Source: Philip Cohen.

2. Why Mayor Jones and others insist the state legislature has to take the gun problem in St Louis seriously. 

Source: Axios.

3. Media distrust.  Only one in ten Republicans trust the media.

Source: Gallup.

4. People using sick days now!

5. Privacy as an emerging issue.

Source: Pew Research.

6. There’s about $150 trillion in household wealth in America.


MOScout Daily Update: SOS Field Expands - Rook = McDowell? - Atchison To Retire - State of Floor Leader Race - Neth on Liberty Deal and more...


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